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Re: IPS arguments

From: Micheal Cottingham <techie.micheal () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 14:11:38 -0500

An IPS isn't a firewall, as others have mentioned. I'm actually a huge
fan of IPSs (well, the good ones). I don't know how well Cisco's works
because I've never worked with it, but the one that I worked with paid
for itself in just a couple of months. A firewall will (if configured
correctly ...) block ports, but what happens if you have a bot on one
of your servers that connects to a C&C over port 80? Or 25? A firewall
won't see that, but an IPS will not only see it, but will block it.

As someone mentioned above, defense in depth is the name of the game.
Sure, ISA may work for the organization, but it won't do everything
that a good IPS will do.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 3:42 AM, M.D.Mufambisi <mufambisi () gmail com> wrote:
Hi Hugo.

I am also in the same dilemma as you are. I work for a consultancy
firm and one of the advisors here told the client to get an IPS in
addition to a firewall, antivirus etc. I really do not get it. With
the IPS wont there be 2 firewalls now?
Also, im not into penetration tests but i sure wish to move into that
field. May i please have advice on procedures and tests performed
during a pen test? Or a framework of some sort? Your advice will be
greatly appreciated. Oh, i see you have your trojan. What language did
you use to code it? How do i get to train myself to develop security
tools/trojans etc?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,

On 2/14/09, Hugo Vinicius Garcia Razera <hviniciusg () gmail com> wrote:
Hello Gentleman's,

I have finished a penetration testing to a client like a month ago.
The company i worked for used some practices that i don't agree with.
that's one of the reasons i resigned. any way they managed to shell
the audited company a CISCO IPS using the results of the pen test.

Well the thing is that the CIO of that company is refusing to install
the IPS on their network even after his company has already put a buy
order for the equipment and said IPS is know on their building but he
refuses to install such equipment, augmenting that it is totally
unnecessary because they all ready have an Microsoft ISA server
Firewall in place, and symantec enpoint protection on the clients

Can any one point me why, they need an IPS?

The old company i worked for wants me to penetrate their network, to
proof them they need an IPS . this time I'm thinking on deploying an
old Trojan i coded.

but i would like to have more compelling arguments on why some one needs an

thanks for the time replying to my questions


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