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Blue Team Tactics

From: gbugbear at (Tim Mugherini)
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 09:51:19 -0400


Was actually why i asked the question, your USB switchblade with the
sysinternals stuff

well done btw

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Russell Butturini <rbutturini at>wrote:

 What can I say, I?m a shameless self promoter:

Of course for this to match to John?s rules, you have to remove the
Sysinternals tools, which are free but TECHNICALLY have no redistribution
license so I guess they don?t really conform.  The scripting for the
evidence collection process can all be launched from the command line though
(and 90% of it involves no 3rd party tools, just good old DOS fu).

*From:* pauldotcom-bounces at [mailto:
pauldotcom-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *John Strand
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 28, 2009 7:55 AM
*To:* PaulDotCom Security Weekly Mailing List
*Subject:* [Pauldotcom] Blue Team Tactics

Please! PSW land! Share your Blue Team tactics!

What tools, scripts, and techniques do you use as part of Incident Response
and Blue Team Activities?

I have sat in on one to many Red/Blue/CTF games where the Red team gets
Core, Canvas, Metasploit, Nessus, Satan, Sara, Cain and Able, Ettercap,
Dsniff, Hydra, 0phcrack, Nmap, BT4 and various torture techniques (including
IronGeek's rubber hoses) and the the Blue team gets....

"An un-patched Windows 2000 box and a slew of un-patched software!!!!!''

Please see the following video for reference:<>

Yea..  Thats right.... As of today the Blue Team is what you get assigned
to when you are caught stuffing peas up your nose.

This stops today!!!

There are a few rules.  Tricks and scripts must be able to run at the
command line of your operating system of choice and all tools must be
freeware or open source.

Thats it!!!

Look, the Blue Team *can* rock!!!  So please share your tricks.

I am going to collect and add to them so we have a solid list and this will
serve as the playbook for the Blues going forward.

Be expecting this on the PDC site soon.


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