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Re: University of South Carolina e-Mail CompromisesStudentIDs

From: "Brian Loe" <knobdy () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 08:36:30 -0500

On 4/20/06, Nick FitzGerald <nick () virus-l demon co uk> wrote:

Further, because he is a redneck USA-ian, his political education is
very unlikley to go further than "one man, one vote == democracy".  He
doesn't understand that the electoral college model under which his one
vote is bastardized by heavily entrenched, irrational, illogical and
un- (if not anti-) democratic biases makes his political system the
laughing stock of the real democratic world.

No Nick, I'm just not a moron. I understand that the government I live
under is NOT a democracy.

If I had a wish that was guaranteed to come true I'd want it to be
this: for my government's leaders - and all of its leaders in the
future - to look at see what uppity a55holes there are in England. To
look and see how they think it comical to laugh at the USA. And then,
based on that, withdraw all funds and military from shared causes and
missions (the UN to start) and leave them to themselves.

The only thing more stunning that your lack of knowledge and common
sense is your arrogance...and bad teeth.

Come full circle back to he's a redneck USA-ian and therefore if you
disagree with his polical views you're almost certainly a commie.

Fools like him are a dime a dozen in the US -- if you're not with them,
you're against them...

I'm against you because I wouldn't want to be associated with you, or
anyone who thinks, talks and acts like you. I'm certainly not a
redneck though - if I were, I wouldn't be able to make fun of English
oral hygiene habits...and I do that a lot.

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