Security Basics mailing list archives

Re: Full Disk Laptop Encryption

From: "Rob Thompson" < () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 14:26:07 -0700

I know that this is a touch off topic, though in regards to the
Symantec problem that you are running into.  You state that you were
using Systemworks.  If you were also using their AV/FW solution, fire
up a VM and test - Blink.  That is an incredible program.  They
recently did some updates, currently version 3.2.2 and it is
phenominal.  Absolutely outstanding.  There is one bug that I have
encountered, when I'm not so lazy I will submit a bug report manually
(they try to submit encrypted error reports, but they're encrypted and
I can't read them so I don't allow them to be sent off of my computer
as I don't know what they say.).

Newho - If you're interested in checking that out,  They have links for a free personal version or a
free trial for the professional version.


On 9/27/07, gjgowey () tmo blackberry net <gjgowey () tmo blackberry net> wrote:
It made sense.  Sounds a lot like my experiences with symantec products as of late.  Partion magic destroyed my 
partion when I tried to resize it.

I bought systemworks online a month ago and for some reason the downloader pulled down a 2006 version which never 
worked correctly and refused to live update.  Even the symantec tech gave up and provided the link for the 2007 
version, but first I had to run a utility to pull out everything symantec from my system.

The utility didn't work properly and I spent hours online with their tech support after my 2007 would register.  They 
came to the conclusion that not enough was pulled out by the utility (mind you this was one supplied by them).  I 
eventually threw up my arms and deleted every directory and registry entry on the system with Norton or symantec in 
its name then ran ccleaner.

I was then able to install and register 2007.  Now my only gripe is how braindead the live update utility is.  
Everytime my system reboots it wants to do its job, but I'm on an evdo modem so I need to use a dialer.  Since I'm 
not connected it can't get through so it retries like ever minute instead of the configured interval flooding my 
application log with retry messages.


Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Rob Thompson" < () gmail com>

Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 13:45:19
To:gjgowey () tmo blackberry net
Cc:listbounce () securityfocus com, "Bob Beringer" <bob () eor us>,"Lafosse, Ricardo" <rlafosse () sfwmd 
gov>,security-basics () securityfocus com
Subject: Re: Full Disk Laptop Encryption

On 9/27/07, gjgowey () tmo blackberry net <gjgowey () tmo blackberry net> wrote:
Just like you're curious about Pointsec I'm curious about your opinion of PGP's products.  I haven't tracked PGP 
corporations product lines at all, but I'm curious as to why you don't like them.

I started to have problems with PGP after they released version 9 of
their current product.  I didn't care for how they have "dumbed down"
the user experience by trying to make everything automated, just
controlled by rules.  Yet there was no manual overrides.  The rules
came in handy to a point, but there were times when they just were not
convenient.  I have played with it up to release 9.5.3.  I have since
uninstalled and gone back to version 8.1 for my work, and at home I
have completely changed out to GPG instead (which I would use here at
work if I was allowed to - I absolutely LOVE it).

In regards to the FDE feature.  When I attempted to use this from PGP,
it was back when it was first released.  I was pretty excited about it
as it was supposed to be a cost effective way to add FDE to a hard
drive while at the same time giving it its e-mail encryption as well.
It was a reduced cost.

I do not know how the product performs as of late.  It may be very
improved.  But back when I tried it out, (and these are very generic
descriptions I'm going to give, it's been a few years since I tried it
last - I'm running off of my poor memory here...) it was clunky and
awkward.  I didn't care for it's interface, it didn't seem very user
friendly to me.  There were many bug reports of failures and data
loss.  And yes, this was back in it's beginning and I'm sure they had
some bugs to work out.

But at that time, I already had found an FDE that worked and IMO
worked well.  I didn't see the point in trying to figure out the bugs
and try to find work arounds, when I already had something that I did
use and liked.

While I feel like I typed a lot and didn't say too much, I hope that
this makes some shred of sense.




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