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RE: WebAppSec Training Courses in UK

From: "Glyn" <glyng () bigfoot com>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 10:18:51 -0000


I've addressed you points inline.


-----Original Message-----
From: securityarchitect () hush com [mailto:securityarchitect () hush com]

With respect I think your description of security assessment
training is woefully inadequate in today's world. Penetration 
testing is a snapshot at best and a time trial at worst. 

All security review, audit and assessment represent a snapshot, and are
subject to prevailing practice and disclosure.  This relates
particularly to infrastructure vulnerability assessments (e.g. those
based on tool output, announced vulnerability data and manual research)
and, to a degree, conceptual assessments relating to architectural
review and best practice audit (bespoke design, configuration, coding or
deployment).  A good assessment consultant will both detail specific
fixes within the environment and make strategic recommendations to
mitigate against future or chained attacks through hitherto unreleased
problems.  The scope of recommendations may well include policy and
procedural changes as well as 'download this patch'.

Application Security Assessment (pen-testing) was merely the third of my
proposed broad categories.  The first two address secure design and
build - strategies for longer term security.

Having ran some teams for some well known consulting
companies in the past I know all to well the business model 
and why its pushed so hard by them. Now working in corporate 
America I also see why we the clients (yeah we as in my 
company and others at like minded user groups who 
surprisingly do talk) are getting very frustrated with some 
security consulting companies and training companies. 

Indeed, many consultancies (but by no means all) are focussed on their
own interpretation and methodologies rather than listening to client
requirements.  The security services industry evolves based on feedback
from such user-groups, and many of us are active members of them.  The
client dictates the 'product', we add to and provide it where

Firstly there is little accountability. Its perceived as an
art and not a science and therefore you really have little 
confidence that all of the things that should have been 

Hence projects such as OWASP and OSSTMM proposing methodologies and
inviting comment and contributions.  There is a shocking lack of
accreditation within the IT industry, including security and
particularly within the security assessment fields.  In the absence of
such qualifications, open-source frameworks provide real benchmarks by
which to measure service providers.

tested were. Secondly with 78% of attacks being from insiders
(see FBI reports) , looking at the hard crunchy outside is of 

This typically relates to successful infrastructure attacks, but is
still true in many cases (the prevalence of hybrid threats and worms
have shifted the balance back towards the external threat, however,
according to recent figures from the DTI, FBI and others).  Indeed,
application insecurities highlight the implications of the soft centre
within the hard shell.

little value. Too many companies reports read  "High
Vulnerability - Parameter tampering". After the sticker shock 
you read between the lines and find out you can change the 
page colour and they have made an incredible leap of faith 
from that to saying you "may" be able to login in with 
another users username. An indicator of parameter tampering 

IMHO, security assessment (as opposed to black box pentesting) isn't
about detailing 'a' way into an environment, it's about identifying 'any
and all', i.e. the most likely risks that may be exploited, and
proposing mitigating strategies.  

That is the philosophy I describe to potential clients, and the one by
which I perform said assessments.

I agree that there are many that rely on shock value to intimate value.
That is why public, open source guidelines are important.

For the most part, people accept the insecurities of computer systems.
Its no longer relevant to prove a break-in is possible, as that leaves
the client feeling exposed and with no way forward.  The successful
outcome is to eliminate most of the threat, and mitigate against the
rest (which may be a non-technical solution, e.g. insurance)

in one place can lead to it in another. It's the consulting
fluff syndrome. You've all heard it before I am sure. "These 
sessionID's don't look random". Well test the randomness if 
you have a math degree! If not look for the source of 
randomness and if /urandom is used then call it out. 

<rant>I have a mathematics and computer science degree and apply it
where relevant.</rant> ;)

There are those that use a shoddy assessment and shock tactics to push
product sales.  They should be identified early in the tender process.

There are those that aim to provide a full and comprehensive assessment
suite for its own sake, not as a door opener to further sales.

Someone once used a great analogy. If you're testing for
cancer would you take someone's temperature? Would you look 
at their eyeballs? Hell No! Get them on the cat scan machine. 
Even if the eyeballs are dilated and you can tell they're ill, 
you still need to locate the problem (offending code) to treat it.

You may apply the aforementioned tests to eliminate many of the
hypochondriacs before spending good money on the cat-scan...

One of the things I liked when I spoke to the OWASP testing
people was how they are going to cover what I think should be 
included in a web application security testing methodology. 


In a structured meaningful test you need to firstly sit down
and understand the security requirements. How can you ever 

Firstly, the business requirements and aspirations.

say there is a problem unless you know the requirements and
how it should be? Secondly you need to understand the 
application architecture. That's an assessment in itself! How 
are people using JNDI, LDAP JMS <insert architecture 
component of choice here>. People are finally realizing that 
XSS is easily cured with a proper architecture;-) You don't 
fix it tactically, you fix it strategically. 

Again, the aim of OWASP appears to be to raise awareness of commonly
made, and exploitable, mistakes; and therefore eliminate them.
Furthermore, it aims to propose strategic and practical guidelines to
eliminate bad, and insecure, practice.
Then there is a technical assessment which is where most
people think the pen test comes in. But think of this. My 
requirements have shown that sessions timeout after 20 mins 
and my architecture review shows I use the servlet container 
config (server.xml) to do it and the controller servlet to 
enforce it. I can sit there with a perl script and make a 
request every 21 mins to each url (dumb in my opinion) or I 
can parse web.xml and server.xml for the config. Ones a much 
more effective way to technically test the requirements have 
been implemented IMHO. A pen test may have a place in 
ensuring that stuffs functioning as it should be that's where 
it belongs again IMHO, flamesOff(security, architect). 

I agree - the ideal assessment scenario, for me, is:
1/ Review the design from a security perspective,
2/ Ensure it has been implemented as expected.

And then there's a security source code review, a web
application security management review (what happens when it 
goes down, who reviews logs, what policy exists to manage the 
security of the application). 

Agreed.  Policy and procedure are not glamorous, but are essential to
the security of an environment.  Code reviews can be a time consuming
and costly exercise.  An application assessment bridges the
middle-ground (as early infrastructure penetration tests did),
mitigating against the highest impact, most exposed risks - setting
precedents for a securer environment.

Web application security assessment is far more than a pen


test. They are prevalent because consulting companies can
pull the wool of clients eyes with buzz words and hacker 
speak, not to mention the business model that works well for 

I would, and could, not work for those with such a cynical view.  Many
on this list would agree.

the consulting companies. If you pay 40K for a hit and run
that's good business. But if you fix the first hole and have 

Cowboys are getting nowhere in this market!  Clients (rightly) expect a
road-map for a secure future, not a demonstration of a breach for their
$40k.  "Any and all" vulnerabilities, not "a" vulnerability - the
minimum requirement.

to pay $40K for the next then its not economical and the
client will soon feel ripped of. 
And why does this relate to training? Well people IMHO need 
to be trained that web application security assessment 
consists of many things not just how to own a web server in 
20 mins or how to test for XSS from the outside. Assess 

Yes, there are a number of aspects.  From architecture, to design, to
deployment.  And once those relating to the infrastructure are
considered, one must review the application(s) themselves.  It's usually
the brand and data we're trying to protect, and the application by
definition is often the highest exposure of that risk.

strategically not tactically. Asses how security is baked
into the development process and not just in a deployment scenario.

My point precisely.  Workshops and training to enlighten developers.
Peer review to validate designs and project plans.  Code and application
assessment to ensure the project runs securely to schedule.

On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 01:54:14 -0800 Glyn Geoghegan
<glyn.geoghegan () corsaire com> wrote:

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