Snort mailing list archives

Re: [Bleeding-sigs] RE: What's up with Snort's license?

From: Martin Roesch <roesch () sourcefire com>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 15:59:58 -0400

Hash: SHA1


Thanks for the invite to participate in a panel discussion.  I'm  
going to decline on similar grounds to Victor.  I've already made my  
thoughts on the matter public in my blog and the Q&A email sent to  
Snort-users the other day.  At the end of the day further discussion  
on licensing comes down to an idealogical debate and like religion  
and politics these differences in opinion are rarely resolved.  I'd  
be happy to further address any questions from the community on a one  
to one basis.

I'm a programmer not a lawyer, let's get back to talking about cool  


On Jul 19, 2007, at 9:20 AM, Alan Shimel wrote:

Hopefully this will not bounce, as I registered this email address  
on the list.

With all of the back and forth regarding these issues I would like  
to invite Marty, Matt Jonkman, Victor and maybe some of the other  
folks who have written to appear on my podcast that I do weekly.   
We can do it with either with live call ins for questions or have  
people submit their questions.  I think it will be a great chance  
to clear the air and give everyone their say and then hopefully put  
these issues to bed once and for all.  Marty, Matt, Victor, et al,  
what do you say?  Would you be willing to get on a panel and  
discuss these issues?

Let me know


Alan Shimel
Chief Strategy Officer

O 303.381.3815
C 516.857.7409
F 303.381.3881

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From: snort-users-bounces () lists sourceforge net [mailto:snort-users- 
bounces () lists sourceforge net] On Behalf Of Matt Jonkman
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 10:48 PM
To: Martin Roesch; Snort Users
Cc: Bleeding Sigs
Subject: [Snort-users] [Bleeding-sigs] RE: What's up with Snort's  

Appreciate the reply Marty. I'm the person who said you'd slipped  
this in on
a Friday before a long weekend. I mentioned that because that's what
happened the last time SF did something and then didn't communicate  
with the
community for weeks afterwards. 3.0 license release I think it was  
maybe? I
forget. But had someone mentioned that you had to do this in a rush  
of outside factors we'd have known different....

And that time, and the time before, (and probably the time before  
that IIRC)
you said SF was in the wrong by not putting out a note that  
something was
changing right away, or even that you had to do something and would be
explaining it shortly. When SF goes into a communication blackout  
it's quite
obvious. The "I'm too busy" thing frankly doesn't sound plausible.  
Over two
weeks is more than enough time for anyone to send out an email that  
"We're aware of the situation, we'll update you shortly". If you were
spending the time waiting for legal review then say so. And let us  
know up
front that's what we're waiting for. Otherwise you just foment the
conspiracy theories and undermine the corporate confidence that  
snort will
remain stable and community oriented. But I think we've had this
conversation before, so I won't beat the dead horse any longer.

I haven't a problem with you protecting code and your rights, but the
willy-nilly changing of others copyright is not something that  
should happen
by accident. That's not like changing the colors on a website,  
that's sacred
ground. Rushing through that was a huge hit to trust.

So my questions:

Will the coders that have more than trivial portions of code in  
snort be
receiving a proportional chunk of the money you make when on  
Snort under the commercial license? Future and historical  
contracts? That
seems a fair thing to do, unless you intend to buy out their  
That'd be fair as well. But in protecting the authors of Snort  
(yourself and
others), you've got to consider all of them when the money flows.

If they're not to be reimbursed under your relicensing revenue, do  
they then
also have the right to sell snort under a commercial license of  
their own?

Why's CVS down still? Why was it down in the first place?

Have you had the time now to identify exactly what issues in GPLv3  
are an
issue for SF? I've seen talk of the patent prohibition stuff as  
being a
possible issue. Is that what's a concern for SF?

To be clear: I do appreciate your stewardship of Snort. Better  
would not put so many into a default hostile and suspicious stance.


-----Original Message-----
From: snort-users-bounces () lists sourceforge net
[mailto:snort-users-bounces () lists sourceforge net] On Behalf
Of Martin Roesch
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 4:49 AM
To: Snort Users
Subject: [Snort-users] What's up with Snort's license?

Hash: SHA1

Hi everyone,

I posted this message on my blog a few minutes ago, please read it
and let me know what you think if you're interested in Snort
licensing issues.

- --

There have been a lot of questions and speculation about the things
we (Sourcefire) have been changing in Snort's licensing recently and
it needs to be addressed so that we can clear the air.

There are three things that people have been asking questions about
or having issues with.

1) GPL v2 lock that we put in place on June 29th.
2) "Clarifications" in Snort's license language (Snort 3.0).
3) "Clarifications" with regard to assignments of ownership for
contributed code (Snort 3.0).

Let me address these issues in order.

1) GPL v2 lock.

Here's what happened. About 3 weeks ago I got a heads up that under
GPL v2, a licensee can choose to use GPL v3 if we don't specify what
version of the GPL to use; conceivably we could have people forking
and changing license on us. Seeing as GPL v3 didn't even
"ship" until
June 29th we didn't feel like we were going to be able to make any
decision on the language that was contained in the new version until
we'd had some time to perform a formal legal review. It also didn't
help that they decided to release on the last day of the quarter.
Another contributing factor to the decision for me was that Linus
decided to keep the Linux kernel at GPL v2, that in itself
was enough
to get me to hit the pause button and take some serious time
reviewing this new license before making any decision. Linus himself
said "I'm not arguing against the GPLv3. I'm arguing that the GPLv3
is wrong for _me_, and it's not the license I ever chose." It's not
the license we chose either and we're not moving to it without a
conscious decision to do so.

If we didn't want the code base moving to the new version then what
could we do? The simplest thing given the time constraints that we
were working within was just to change the language in the source
file header preambles (and not the license itself) noting that we
were specifying Snort at GPL version 2 until we could make a solid
and informed decision about how we wanted to treat GPL v3.

For those of you with wholly contributed source files where the file
headers were changed, many (most/all?) of them referred to "the
program" as being under an indistinct version number (not just your
source files) and so rather than try to track everyone down in the
time frame we had to work with *I* made a unilateral decision
to just
move forward with it and we'd clean up the mess afterwards.
I'm sorry
for the "bull in the china shop" routine but we felt like we needed
to have this language out there before GPL v3 shipped at noon EDT on
June 29th. Clearly there were some mistakes made, obviously we
shouldn't have changed things like the BSD license on the
strl* files
and so on, we'll fix that too. As Victor observed, this was done in
something of a hurry. BTW, we didn't try to "slip it out on a
per the note on some blog, Friday was the deadline and we had to  

Where do we go from here? We're going to examine the language in the
new license and decide if we want to move forward with it. This is
going to take a while but we'll make an announcement when we
make the
final decision. For those of you who have wholly authored source
files that would like the language changed for your source
files back
to the original, with the provision that the language reflect that
you're just referring to your file and not the entirety of the
program, just let us (me) know and send us the verbage you want and
we'll make the change. For those of you who object to this sort of
thing all together that would like to maintain your code as an
external patch set for Snort instead of in the main source
tree, give
us the heads up and we'll pull your code from the source trees. Once
again, this is with the provision that we may reimplement the
capabilities that your code offers as Sourcefire-authored code if it
happens to be something that we consider important to the project.

If anyone has any other input I'd be happy to hear it. Contrary to
what several groups with vested interests seem to be promoting,
Sourcefire isn't interested in closing Snort's source code or making
this a closed-source project. The community continues to be
to us and we have no plans on that ever changing.

2) Snort 3.0 "clarifications" and the GPL

There has been a fair amount of opinion being put forth by people in
the blogging world that Snort 3.0 will no longer be "open
source" due
to the clarifications that we put in place. This is just plain  

Sourcefire produces Snort as an open source project. My interest as
the guy who started this whole thing and who has worked on and
advanced this project for closing in on 9 years now has always been
how good we can make the technology and how well we can serve the
needs of the community. Now that Snort has my company behind it, the
priorities really haven't changed but there's an interesting dynamic
out there with companies that are using Snort as a part of their
product or service offering. Many of them seem to expect us to work
on this technology and improve it continuously so that their
is cutting edge but contribute nothing to the project and complain
bitterly whenever we do something that might cost them some money to
continue to use a best-of-breed technology like this.

It's Free as in "Free Speech", not Free as in "Free Money" people!
Companies that use Snort as part of a service or product seem to be
having a tough time accepting this. The goal of the new licensing
language is to define what we consider to constitute
conditions under
which something built on or around Snort is a derivative work
to the stipulations of the GPL (i.e. putting the derivative code
under the GPL license). Despite all the gnashing of teeth that has
resulted from this clarification, what we've really done is take
about the most "open" stance you can with a GPL project and put it
out there, true open source champions should be applauding us
for our

That didn't happen. Instead we've gotten a litany of grousing from
the blogerati, primarily because we've offered a commercial license
for people who don't want to play by the rules of the GPL in their
product and service offerings that will (*gasp*!) cost money. If
you're licensing technology from Sourcefire (which all of you using
the GPL version of Snort are doing) and you don't wish to live under
the terms of that license, we're giving you another one to choose
from. If you don't like having world-class security technology
available for a fee because it affects your cost structure, that's
not my problem. If you want to use it for free then you have to live
by the license but people always seem to interpret the GPL in ways
that are optimally advantageous to them (if they don't just take the
code directly and bury it in their product). The clarifications we
put into Snort 3 are there to get us all on the same page and
to make
sure that commercial users of the technology understand that we're
not a "venture technology" company, giving them technology for free
to enable their business models which frequently compete against us
in some regard. There's nothing wrong with using Snort as a part of
your commercial offering as long as you adhere to its
license. If you
can't do that then we need to talk.

At the same time we've taken many measures to ensure that the end
users of the technology are unaffected. Want to integrate Snort or
part of Snort into your open source project? No problem, it's free.
Want to deploy 100 home-made Snort sensors in your non-profit/
enterprise/government organization ? Go for it. Want to learn how
these systems work at the code level? No problem, it's all there.
Want transparency of your security technology and the content that
drives it? It's all there, as it should be. Want to have access to
the internals to extend or correct or add your own value to the
project or just your operational environment? All part of the open
source concept, make it happen. Want to fork and make your own IPS
project built on the code-base? You can do that, just make sure you
understand what you're doing in maintaining proper licensing for the
forked project and respect our IP.

I personally have *always* been the biggest advocate for the
users of
Snort since the day this company was formed and I always will be.

3) Snort 3.0 and IP assignments

This is the most controversial provision of the clarifications that
we put into the Snort 3.0 license. Basically what it says is:

* By sending these changes to Sourcefire or one of the Sourcefire-
* mailing lists or forums, you are granting to Sourcefire, Inc. the
* perpetual, non-exclusive right to reuse, modify, and/or relicense
the code.
* Snort will always be available Open Source, but this is important
* because the inability to relicense code has caused devastating
problems for
* other Free Software projects (such as KDE and NASM). We also
* relicense the code to third parties as discussed above. If
you wish to
* specify special license conditions of your contributions, just say
so when
* you send them.

So what's that mean? If you send a patch to the mailing lists or to
Sourcefire, if you contribute code to the Snort project we consider
that code and it's IP to be "assigned" to us. The reason for doing
this should be pretty clear, we don't feel that contributing
a 3-line
patch to a 200k+ LOC codebase means that the contributer has
copyright claims over Snort at that point. In the early years there
were many people who contributed (in any way) to Snort but over the
years since Sourcefire was incorporated the total contribution by
these external contributers has decreased substantially. After that,
Sourcefire developed more and more of the code, especially the core
functionality of the detection engine and preprocessors, not to
mention tons of the rules as well. I have felt for a long time that
we need to have a sense of proportionality about this and we should
also have the ability to be flexible with the code base in terms of
licensing without needing to approach every contributer individually
to get sign-off on any changes that we make. That's why we've put
this provision into Snort 3.0.

This "assumptive assignment" is exactly what projects like Nmap use.
Perhaps we should take the next step and use the FSF's model where
contributers to projects like GCC need to sign a legal document
explicitly to contribute to the project. The FSF does this because
they need to have flexibility but also because they need to get out
from under any potential problems that may occur due to someone
inappropriately contributing IP from a 3rd party. I don't like that
concept because of the overhead associated with interacting with the
project, Snort's not a huge project like GCC so I've liked that
people can contribute as they see fit. The FSF does take one
additional step, they guarantee that the projects that people make
assignments to will be available as open source projects in
perpetuity. I think that maybe we need to make a statement like that
but quite frankly it's always been our position that Snort will
always be available as Free Software and we have no intention to
change our position ever.

I think that the part of this provision that people have had
the most
trouble with is that we also retain the right to relicense the
contributed code under alternative licenses. We have to be
able to do
that if we're going to offer alternative licenses to Snort,
maintaining a "patch free" code branch and a "patch tainted" branch
doesn't make any sense to me and probably not to you either. The
assignment doesn't mean we're going to "steal" your code and
"disappear" it CIA-style. It means that we need to be able to retain
the right to offer it under our commercial license. The code you
contribute will always be available to you and everyone else in the
open source code base, we're not going to steal it but we are going
to make it available to our commercial users. If you've got a
with this, don't contribute the code to us, maintain it as an
external patch.

That's about it. I'm sorry we haven't been as communicative with the
OSS community as we probably should be, I personally have a lot of
demands on my time and I'm the person at SF who's the most familiar
with the totality of the Snort project so I have a lot of input into
the process here and I'm also fairly parochial regarding
communicating concepts like this to the user community. In
the future
I'll try to be more forthcoming with all of you and I hope you'll
continue to be patient with both me and Sourcefire; our
hearts really
are in the right place with the users of this technology but we also
have to be pragmatic about how all of this is going to work
given all
of the commercial use that Snort sees.

We're trying to be pragmatic about these issues, I hope that people
can feel comfortable with the direction that we're taking things. I
look forward to reading people's responses.


- --
Martin Roesch - Founder/CTO, Sourcefire Inc. - +1-410-290-1616
Sourcefire - Security for the Real World -
Snort: Open Source IDP -

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- --
Martin Roesch - Founder/CTO, Sourcefire Inc. - +1-410-290-1616
Sourcefire - Security for the Real World -
Snort: Open Source IDP -

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