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RE: Snort + ipchains

From: "Martijn Heemels" <martijn () heemels com>
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 21:46:02 +0100

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Seems this was a recurring topic, maybe last spring, with
inconclusive  answers, depending on how well the network layout was

I posted my experiences back then, but what I posted was only based
upon  my setup.

I took part in that discussion too, hoping it would provide an

As you state, snort FAQ 1.8 sez:
4.3 --faq-- --snort-- --faq-- --snort-- --faq-- --snort-- --faq--
Q: Snort is behind a firewall (ipf/pf/ipchains/ipfilter) and 
awfully quiet...
A: Your firewall rules will also block traffic to the snort

Certainly snort wouldn't see packets if it was off on *another* box
 behind the firewall, which I think is what the FAQ is really
describing:  "...snort is *behind* a firewall..."

of course... you may be right about the faq on this. hadn't read it
that way...

My snort is running *on* my firewall box in conjuction with

Maybe that's the difference...

I'm actually running snort *on* the same box as ipchains. So, it's at
the border of my network.
However, still only non-firewalled ports are visible. I have kind of
given up on getting snort to see all traffic on this box, assuming
there must be something unusual about it (hardware of software).
Since I run snort only as a hobby project on my home LAN to learn
about computer-security related stuff, I stopped trying to solve the
problem. I'm pretty content actually getting alerts on the traffic
that crosses the firewall, since the stuff that gets blocked doesn't
hurt me anyway :-). 
Erik Adams would say that I need more coffee and it would all become
clear ;-D

Anyway, if you have any tips left, let me know. I'm running a
completely updated redhat 6.2 on i386 with ipchains-1.3.9-5 and a
3com509 NIC

Greets, Martijn

P.S. Wish I was a *rich* student so i could build a cheap dedicated
snort box. But then again, there are a lot of other cool networking
things one can do with money...

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