Politech: by author

90 messages starting Jan 01 04 and ending Jan 26 04
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Federal judge rules part of Patriot Act unconstitutional [fs] declan (Jan 26)

Declan McCullagh

Whoops! Pentagon posts budget docs to web a few days early Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
Is "permission based marketer" another way to say spammer? [sp] Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
Fortune cover story profiles Kazaa founders and telco wars Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
EFF's action alert calls for hearings on CAPPS II [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
Bill Purdy, UDRP'd in dispute over startribunenewspaper.com [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
Ashcroft warns Congress not to mess with Patriot Act [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
Followup to Canadian cops raiding reporter's home [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
EU biometric passport faces some legal questions [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
Joel Reidenberg's article on ways to enforce laws online Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
Justice Ginsburg warns against apathy with a word to the wise Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
Commerce Dept, ICANN now defendants in SiteFinder lawsuit Declan McCullagh (Jan 30)
More on Dean wanting to implant smartcard readers in PCs [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 28)
A Bill Purdy copycat? Anti-abortion domain name registrations [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 28)
"Permission-based email marketers" confused about CAN SPAM law [sp] Declan McCullagh (Jan 28)
Antivirus companies are unrepentant spammers? [sp] Declan McCullagh (Jan 28)
Text of opinion in Patriot Act and First Amendment case Declan McCullagh (Jan 27)
John Kerry voted for the Patriot Act, and now opposes it [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 26)
Where Democratic presidential candidates stand on tech Declan McCullagh (Jan 26)
AVN's Mark Kernes on Bruce Taylor and porn-prosecutors [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 26)
Mike Godwin on Godwin's law, HP, and Nazi analogies [ip] Declan McCullagh (Jan 26)
What should the Feds do (if anything) to promote IPv6? Declan McCullagh (Jan 26)
Canadian cops raid reporter's home in probe over leaks [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 26)
Libety Round Table supports exhibitionist webmistress [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 26)
Privacy villains of the week: NASA and Northwest Airlines [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 26)
Howard Dean's speech calling for smartcard-based national ID [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 26)
Weekly column: Howard Dean's worrisome views on privacy [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 26)
Unions plan to inject outsourcing of tech jobs into campaign Declan McCullagh (Jan 24)
California DeCSS case eventually, finally, over [ip] Declan McCullagh (Jan 24)
Senate Republican staff reportedly spied on Democrats [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 24)
Bruce Taylor on dedicated prosecutors and porn convictions [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 24)
Michael Geist's defense of Canada's data collection law [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 24)
Who owns facts? House committee approves database bill [ip] Declan McCullagh (Jan 24)
Pentagon's Internet "secure voting" system probably isn't Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
Criticisms of "HP and death of open PC" Politech post Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
Why not to answer census: Answers used against you [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
Senators call for long-overdue upgrade to thomas.loc.gov Declan McCullagh (Jan 23)
Cato's Adam Thierer on FCC and "return of the 7 dirty words" Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
Newsforge.com: Saudi Arabia's Net filters don't work very well [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
HP users cry foul at looming death of the open PC Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
Rep. Fred Upton plans "anti-indecency" legislation for FCC [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
Doubleclick, Microsoft officers join TRUSTE board of directors Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
NewRomeSucks.com helps to slay America's most infamous speed trap Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
Russ Roberts on Apple iTunes and "the economics of invention" Declan McCullagh (Jan 15)
The Internet built up Howard Dean -- now it will destroy him Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
Clark supporter replies to Politech over privacy and Axciom [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
Joe Lieberman makes privacy a 2004 campaign issue [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
Paul Levy on suing the Treasury Dept. over privacy breach [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
Wesley Clark sought presidency as lobbyist for Acxiom Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
U.S. officials get access to Canadian tax, immig. records [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
ACLU fights for Rush Limbaugh's medical privacy [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
David Stephenson on a "win-win" homeland security strategy Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
Joseph Reagle's experiences with NYU and privacy [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
Felipe Rodriquez on Microsoft and the Internet's "paradigm shift" Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
FCC Chairman Powell wants to increase broadcast censorship [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 14)
Adobe bows to gvt pressure, includes banknote detection in Photoshop Declan McCullagh (Jan 12)
Casino chips may be implanted with RFID tags [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 12)
New York Univ. on defensive after student data appears on Web [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 12)
Grocery stores apologize for attack on anti-grocery card activist [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 12)
Feds plan to rachet up demands for air passenger info [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 12)
Richard Rahn on markets, monopolies and government abuse of power Declan McCullagh (Jan 12)
Competitive Enterprise Instit. on the "New Protectionism" Declan McCullagh (Jan 12)
Speed camera accuracy challenged, once again [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 12)
FBI, Justice Dept. seek wiretaps for VoIP conversations [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 08)
Treasury Dept. breaks word on keeping email addresses private [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 08)
Is the FBI using email Web bugs? [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 07)
Bill Purdy vs. the Faegre & Benson law firm (guess who wins) [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 06)
Matchmaking spam: "Looking for Juror #3 Van Nuys Superior Court" [sp] Declan McCullagh (Jan 06)
Politics as usual: Demopublicans trade jabs over Hitler-Bush ad Declan McCullagh (Jan 06)
Text of FBI's infamous "Almanac Alert" now online [priv][fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 06)
Michael Savage loses censorship bid, victory for free speech [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 06)
Shop for a flight simulator game, get interrogated by police Declan McCullagh (Jan 06)
Another Vietnamese journalist jailed for criticizing government [fs] Declan McCullagh (Jan 05)
Anonymous domain name registrations... and spam problems [priv][sp] Declan McCullagh (Jan 05)
A defense of techcentralstation's journalism and credibility Declan McCullagh (Jan 05)
A criticism of "Are cops constitutional?" law review article Declan McCullagh (Jan 05)
Your Bank Account, Your Liberties Declan McCullagh (Jan 05)
Semi-anonymous domain name registrations? [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 05)
FBI demands Las Vegas guest lists -- with no court order [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 05)
iTunes DRM reportedly cracked wide open for GNU/Linux Declan McCullagh (Jan 05)
Dan Geer on Barbra Streisand's privacy suit, TSA and databases Declan McCullagh (Jan 05)
techcentralstation.com: Reinventing lobbying as journalism? Declan McCullagh (Jan 05)
TSA tries to detect terrorists through public databases [priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 01)
Adrian Lamo, hacker-turned-journalism-student, speaks Declan McCullagh (Jan 01)
Andrew Odlyzko on pricing and architecture of the Internet Declan McCullagh (Jan 01)
Barbra Streisand loses suit against californiacoastline.org [fs][priv] Declan McCullagh (Jan 01)
Annalee Newitz on black markets in circumvention devices [ip] Declan McCullagh (Jan 01)
What to do if you're sued by the RIAA: updated [ip] Declan McCullagh (Jan 01)
Brock Meeks' CyberWire Dispatch, R.I.P. Declan McCullagh (Jan 01)
Happy New Year! Declan McCullagh (Jan 01)