Politech: by author

91 messages starting Nov 01 02 and ending Nov 27 02
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Declan McCullagh

FC: David Wagner on Princeton student worried about DMCA Declan McCullagh (Nov 27)
FC: Australia news roundup: IP, broadband, game ratings Declan McCullagh (Nov 27)
FC: One more round of replies to weekly column: Time for a GeekPAC? Declan McCullagh (Nov 27)
FC: Missouri AG launches don't-spam-me list, no effect predicted Declan McCullagh (Nov 27)
FC: Amnesty Int'l fingers MS, Sun, Cisco as Chinese censors Declan McCullagh (Nov 27)
FC: R. Polk Wagner on Princeton student worrying about DMCA Declan McCullagh (Nov 27)
FC: FTC turns to oft-unreliable blacklists to limit spam Declan McCullagh (Nov 26)
FC: Hong Kong techies oppose "security" laws required by Beijing Declan McCullagh (Nov 26)
FC: Anti-spam tip for Windows uers: Turn off built-in messenging Declan McCullagh (Nov 26)
FC: Thailand introduce digital ID-with-a-chip cards in April 2003 Declan McCullagh (Nov 26)
FC: Spam king lives large off others' email troubles Declan McCullagh (Nov 26)
FC: Princeton student is latest to say he could be sued under DMCA Declan McCullagh (Nov 26)
FC: Finland proposes extensive data retention plan for Net, telcos Declan McCullagh (Nov 26)
FC: Replies to weekly column: Is it time for a GeekPAC? Declan McCullagh (Nov 25)
FC: Bush signs Department of Homeland Security bill Declan McCullagh (Nov 25)
FC: John Ashcroft's unintentional definition of irony Declan McCullagh (Nov 25)
FC: Weekly column: Is it time for a GeekPAC? Declan McCullagh (Nov 25)
FC: RIAA vs. Naval Academy: Cadets' PCs seized, courts martial next? Declan McCullagh (Nov 24)
FC: Transcript of Pentagon briefing on Poindexter's "TIA" program Declan McCullagh (Nov 24)
FC: Paul Weyrich: Some jlists, politicos should be charged with treason Declan McCullagh (Nov 24)
FC: NYT: Pentagon considered plan to tag Net-traffic, limit anonymity Declan McCullagh (Nov 23)
FC: Man jailed after child porn appeared in computer presentation Declan McCullagh (Nov 23)
FC: Nigerian newspaper's excuse for mob riots: "The computer did it!" Declan McCullagh (Nov 22)
FC: News Corp's Peter Chernin: "The Problem with Stealing" Declan McCullagh (Nov 22)
FC: More on The Onion deletes parody article about Chechen rebels Declan McCullagh (Nov 22)
FC: The Onion deletes parody article about Chechen rebels Declan McCullagh (Nov 20)
FC: Which states currently fingerprint drivers (Georgia already does) Declan McCullagh (Nov 20)
FC: Weakened intellectual property rights ends in suffering, death? Declan McCullagh (Nov 20)
FC: Why Judge Jackson, Larry Lessig were wrong on software integration Declan McCullagh (Nov 20)
FC: Update on John Gilmore's lawsuit over secret FAA regulations Declan McCullagh (Nov 20)
FC: History revisionism at FEMA site -- Operation TIPS vanishes Declan McCullagh (Nov 20)
FC: Australia: DNA samples taken from crime witnesses, phone privacy Declan McCullagh (Nov 20)
FC: A copy of what appears to be the FBI's post-9-11 watch list Declan McCullagh (Nov 19)
FC: Will the state of Georgia fingerprint all drivers? Declan McCullagh (Nov 19)
FC: FBI's secret, post-9-11 watch list acquires a life of its own Declan McCullagh (Nov 19)
FC: Weekly column: Washington's new role in computer security Declan McCullagh (Nov 18)
FC: U.K. may implant chips in sex offenders to warn of future attacks Declan McCullagh (Nov 18)
FC: Bush administration considers a domestic spy agency Declan McCullagh (Nov 16)
FC: RFID tags: The new way to track everyday objects Declan McCullagh (Nov 15)
FC: Salon: Transportation Security Admin. confirms do-not-fly list Declan McCullagh (Nov 14)
FC: Society of Professional Journalists on FOIA, Homeland Security Declan McCullagh (Nov 14)
FC: House adds life-in-prison-for-hackers to Homeland Security bill Declan McCullagh (Nov 14)
FC: William Safire on Pentagon surveillance: "You Are a Suspect!" Declan McCullagh (Nov 14)
FC: Pentagon's Big Brother computer: Echelon on steroids? Declan McCullagh (Nov 13)
FC: New Zealander replies to use of photo radar near Wellington Declan McCullagh (Nov 13)
FC: Press releases from governors, retailers laud Internet taxes Declan McCullagh (Nov 13)
FC: Two more replies to Americans with Disabilities Act and the web Declan McCullagh (Nov 13)
FC: IEEE's Steven Cherry, Roger Clarke on biometric tech, problems Declan McCullagh (Nov 13)
FC: Feds randomly stop drivers in downtown Detroit, Michigan Declan McCullagh (Nov 13)
FC: What do you call a "national emergency" that never ends? Declan McCullagh (Nov 13)
FC: Calif. law says firms must disclose only online intrusions Declan McCullagh (Nov 13)
FC: Flap over FBI-bugs-library-computer claim in Hartford Courant Declan McCullagh (Nov 12)
FC: Pentagon wants a "Big Brother" supercomputer, from NYT Declan McCullagh (Nov 12)
FC: A reply to my weekly column on don't get mad, get even Declan McCullagh (Nov 11)
FC: China reportedly blocks CNN, BBC satellite broadcasts Declan McCullagh (Nov 11)
FC: Jim DeLong: Tech industry, prisoner of K Street? Declan McCullagh (Nov 11)
FC: Weekly column: In elections, don't get mad, get even Declan McCullagh (Nov 11)
FC: Electronic Frontiers Australia on Net-censorship efforts Declan McCullagh (Nov 11)
FC: News and events from Cato, EPIC, and Stanford Univ. law school Declan McCullagh (Nov 08)
FC: Biometric technologies and their problems, from German magazine c't Declan McCullagh (Nov 07)
FC: Photo radar update: Colorado Supreme Court upholds ruling Declan McCullagh (Nov 07)
FC: Windows1984.com launches to oppose DRM, Palladium Declan McCullagh (Nov 07)
FC: Another example of silly news organizations and dirty word filters Declan McCullagh (Nov 07)
FC: Cisco analysis of Panama's Internet telephony regulations Declan McCullagh (Nov 07)
FC: Stop the presses: Politicos turn to TV, radio, print, not the Net Declan McCullagh (Nov 07)
FC: Consumer Alert on digital technology, consumers, copyright Declan McCullagh (Nov 07)
FC: Nathan Cochrane on BMG and crippled music CDs Declan McCullagh (Nov 07)
FC: SpamCop reportedly backs down, removes Politech from blacklist? Declan McCullagh (Nov 06)
FC: Reply to Panama requires ISPs to block Internet telephony Declan McCullagh (Nov 06)
FC: Free-market.net's roundup of state ballot wins and losses Declan McCullagh (Nov 06)
FC: John Gilmore's proposed principle for anti-spam action Declan McCullagh (Nov 06)
FC: SpamCop's Julian Haight replies to Politech, and other defenses Declan McCullagh (Nov 05)
FC: Panama requires ISPs to block Internet telephony Declan McCullagh (Nov 04)
FC: The Worst Coders in Washington Declan McCullagh (Nov 04)
FC: Why not to use SpamCop -- some first-hand accounts Declan McCullagh (Nov 04)
FC: Paul Levy on why SpamCop is liable for its overbroad "spam" lists Declan McCullagh (Nov 04)
FC: RIAA replies to Politech over Hilary Rosen and Oxford debate Declan McCullagh (Nov 04)
FC: Ray Everett-Church on systemic problems with SpamCop Declan McCullagh (Nov 04)
FC: Nancy Carter, who is suing Canadian ISP, replies to Politech Declan McCullagh (Nov 04)
FC: Peter Orvetti's election predictions: Democrats gain in Senate Declan McCullagh (Nov 04)
FC: An earlier attempt to argue DVD region coding violates EU laws Declan McCullagh (Nov 04)
FC: A response to Robert Gellman on journalists, privacy, and Lexis Declan McCullagh (Nov 04)
FC: Politech incorrectly blocked by SpamCop -- for the third time Declan McCullagh (Nov 04)
FC: RIAA wants background checks on CD-RW buyers (humor) Declan McCullagh (Nov 02)
FC: Thomas Lipscomb on "Emergency Online Broadcast System" Declan McCullagh (Nov 02)
FC: Does DVD region coding violate European laws? Declan McCullagh (Nov 02)
FC: CEI on Microsoft decision: States should abandon case Declan McCullagh (Nov 02)
FC: Robert Gellman replies to jlists too eager to side with privacy Declan McCullagh (Nov 02)
FC: New "Coplink" AI brought online to help track sniper, from NYT Declan McCullagh (Nov 02)
FC: Toronto woman sues over her stored email, wants $110,000 Declan McCullagh (Nov 02)
FC: Microsoft judge: Proposed punishments help rivals, not consumers Declan McCullagh (Nov 01)