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Blue Team Tactics

From: cclymer at (Chris Clymer)
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 13:03:16 -0400

Theres a nice nagios plugin to monitor new ports being opened using  
nagios. Tossing up a nagios instance to monitor the health of various  
services might not be a bad idea. With a little effort it can parse  
logs too, but splunk might be a better choice here.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 28, 2009, at 11:45 AM, mOses <trklisted at>  

For shame for Shame!

   There are definitely 'defensive tools' that are lacking in some of
the CTF games! The attackers are coming into this to 'win' how come
the defenders are not also preparing to win?

- If you know your being attacked from the 'network', how come there
are no sensors involved? Maybe its a time contraint that we don't have
IDS? That is a real life item that should be given to defenders. IDS
an also do some TCP resets and shunning, which can be valuable. While
the attackers can evade IDS this maybe a nice little stop gap. The
question is, can you prepare ahead of time with an IDS sensor? The
'attackers' are preparing ahead of time with their tools?
- Patching is an OK option, but yet again not 100% fool proof right,
Software will be insecure so you can't solely rely on patching.

- Logging and Correlated Logs will be important to a blue team, but if
its not available even a basic BASE console will be enough for IDS
eventing, or maybe the free Splunk platform?

- There are the SysInternal tools. Procmon, Filemon, Regmon.
ProcessExplorer, NetMon.
- What about things like GMER, Rootkit Revealer and other items to
look for the existence of nasties?

- If you are a defender in a game, maybe it would be prudent to setup
tools like 'flow' analysis to look at netflow
- What about leveraging some scripts from NMAP. nmap scan the network
and do diff's. If you see new ports opened or listening, maybe you've
been comprimised!

I love the conversation. The real value in these CTF games and
Pentests is not for the attacker all the time, the real value is in
understanding how to do 'live' defense.

On Jul 28, 2009, at 8:54 AM, John Strand wrote:

Please! PSW land! Share your Blue Team tactics!

What tools, scripts, and techniques do you use as part of Incident
Response and Blue Team Activities?

I have sat in on one to many Red/Blue/CTF games where the Red team
gets Core, Canvas, Metasploit, Nessus, Satan, Sara, Cain and Able,
Ettercap, Dsniff, Hydra, 0phcrack, Nmap, BT4 and various torture
techniques (including IronGeek's rubber hoses) and the the Blue team

"An un-patched Windows 2000 box and a slew of un-patched

Please see the following video for reference:

Yea..  Thats right.... As of today the Blue Team is what you get
assigned to when you are caught stuffing peas up your nose.

This stops today!!!

There are a few rules.  Tricks and scripts must be able to run at
the command line of your operating system of choice and all tools
must be freeware or open source.

Thats it!!!

Look, the Blue Team can rock!!!  So please share your tricks.

I am going to collect and add to them so we have a solid list and
this will serve as the playbook for the Blues going forward.

Be expecting this on the PDC site soon.

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