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Re: the e-mail of the future is the e-mail oft the past, was Enough port 26 talk...

From: Tei <oscar.vives () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 18:46:07 +0100

On Tue, 15 Jan 2019 at 09:21, Bjørn Mork <bjorn () mork no> wrote:
open protocols, just shut off SMTP completely. They'll
probably "invent" something much better as an excuse... And the masses
will love them for that, because it finally removed the spam "problem".

And everyone has a gmail account anyway, so why bother with outside

I think the newsgroups died because was expensive for ISPs and filled
with nasty stuff (warez and porn).
Gopher died because HTML was a improvement in every possible way.
IRC still exist, because it don't need to be hosted by a ISP.
Forums still exist.
Mail list still exist (we are on one)
Homesites where replaced by blogs.

G Suite accounts are expensive.  I believe you have to pay by email
address and get quite pricey.  "Free" alternatives have a place
because can be cheaper than that.

Gmail have not added the "Foo has read your message" or "Foo is
replying to your email". Two things that would be easy for them to do
in Gmail to Gmail communication, and would be must-have features for a
mail user.  So maybe they don't aim to world domination?

Is very hard to replace a open protocol,  wrapping may work if the
protocol is mostly abandoned (IRC) but thats not the case for email.
I don't think email is going to be replaced soon.

ℱin del ℳensaje.

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