Metasploit mailing list archives

Re: New Javascript Packer: JSidle

From: John Strand <strandjs () gmail com>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 18:39:35 -0600

Very true.

Still we all need to keep in mind that just because some antivirus engines
mark a piece of malware as "suspicions" for sites like VirusTotal does not
mean flag or even stop it on a "real" system. I have run across a couple of
examples with Symantec's Suspicious.Insight category.

If a company is paying you $20,000+ for a pen test you can afford to
purchase the same AV they are running and test your payloads on a "real"

I know that Jonathan did not mention VirusTotal, I just wanted to add this
bit of information to the discussion.


On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Jonathan R <agentsmith15 () gmail com> wrote:

NOD prides themselves on having one of the best heuristics engines, so
I believe NOD would mark the PDF as suspicious and not a specific
threat. You can do what many malware writers do and split the PDF into
multiple parts and you can narrow the range of where/what in the PDF
is getting flagged. Then change things accordingly.

This idea of delaying code to bypass detection has been brought up
before by well known virus writers like Z0mbie and Second Part To
Hell/[rRlf].   <--- Z0mbie's Paper   <--- SPTH/rHlf

This is all based upon the fact that a anti virus like Norton or NOD
can only spend about 3 or 4 seconds on each file. Otherwise a AV scan
would take to long.


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