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Pen-Testing and Metasploit Question

From: rafael.pandini at (pandini pandini)
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 18:03:50 -0300

Matt Gardenghi, TK and BN thanks for your replies !

 One quote about Matt Gardenghi reply, about writing a good report.
Just a .pdf document, containing all vulnerabilities found (Machine
XXX vulnerable to ms08-069), its severity (Critical), and how to fix
it (some link to a patch) ? Other informations (If I was asked to do
it)  like credentials grabbed(Plain text/hashed passwords),
informations about hosts and devices (running linux, apache, etc), if
the target has some database then some tables of an database, or
source codes from the a internal cvs server of the company, as "proof"
of what can be done by an attacker is usefull or just say "passwords
can be stolen" ?

 About the report, someone has some "model" or example of report that
can be shared with us ?

 I agree with you TK about certifications, and I seriouly thinking
about CEH certification. But I have no ideia from where to start,
someone knows a good book/material ?

 Thanks in advance,

On 4/23/09, Ben Nell <enemy.cow at> wrote:
A good place to look for help with these types of questions might be
the Security Focus pen-test list.  You can read some details about it

A lot of this sort of thing has already been discussed, so you could
probably find a lot of useful information reading through the


pandini pandini wrote:

?I'm in the same boat that professor, trying to get into pentest
industry but I don't know "where to start". I agree with what max
said, imho methodology is the center of the thing, know how and why,
is really better than know "where to click" or what command to run.

?My questions are, "What the industry expect from a pentester" (audit
database, software source code, networks, servers , etc..), "What is
generally done in a basic pentest", and what certifications are "good"
to proof some basic knowledge. Just say to a company that "I'm able to
do a pentest, can you give me a change ?" will don't work.

?I think that I need some formal proof of knowledge, as I haven't any
professinal experience in pentest, this is the only one way that I

?Thanks in advance,



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