Metasploit mailing list archives

MSFXDC #1 First modules

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 13:26:32 -0600

On Sat, 2009-01-10 at 12:16 +0100, Jerome Athias wrote:
MSFXDC (MetaSploit Framework eXploits Development Contest) is a
challenge where the main goal is to code the largest number of new
Metasploit Framework exploits modules.

The short of it is that this contest is not run by Metasploit, it is
being run by Jerome. We are not involved in reviewing submissions,
setting quality standards, or judging the results in any form. If the
folks who develop modules for the contest would like to see them
included in the main tree, they will need to submit them to msfdev and
correct any style/consistency issues just like everyone else who

I believe that the contest could have been improved by involving the
Metasploit development team, but it is too late to correct that now, and
we will just have to hope for the best. My concern is that the folks who
submit modules to the contest will have an expectation that they will
eventually end up in the Metasploit Framework, which won't be the case
if they don't meet minimal standards (including licensing).

If anyone wants to run a similar contest in the future, we would happy
to help, just drop us a line and we can help set the criteria and even
contribute to the awards (free link to the author's page on our web site
for a month; a profile on the blog, etc). I hope the current contest
works out, but the materials needs be made very clear that this contest
has no involvement from the Metasploit Project.


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