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stdapi not loading

From: ihackstuff at (j0hnny)
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 14:11:29 -0400

I've seen a similar thread posted, but can't find a solution for this.

I have a fully working very happy install of MSF 3 (on OSX) and I'm
doing a fresh install on another OS X machine, and for some odd reason
I can't get meterpreter's STDAPI loaded. I did SOMETHING to get it
working on my original install, but can't remember what it was.

When I interact with meterpreter/reverse_tcp, I only get the core
commands loaded, none of the stdapi commands (process, fs, net,etc).

Copying the modules from output/extensions/ and dropping them into
data/metasploit doesn't seem to work either.

For example, copying over ext_server_process.dll and doing use process
yields this:

Loading extension process...[-]
failure: The core_loadlib request failed with result: 1168.
./lib/rex/post/meterpreter/client_core.rb:156:in `use'
./lib/rex/post/meterpreter/ui/console/command_dispatcher/core.rb:237:in `each'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:230:in `send'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:230:in `run_command'
./lib/rex/post/meterpreter/ui/console.rb:94:in `run_command'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:196:in `run_single'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:191:in `each'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:191:in `run_single'
./lib/rex/post/meterpreter/ui/console.rb:60:in `interact'
./lib/rex/ui/text/shell.rb:121:in `call'
./lib/rex/ui/text/shell.rb:121:in `run'
./lib/rex/post/meterpreter/ui/console.rb:58:in `interact'
./lib/msf/base/sessions/meterpreter.rb:170:in `_interact'
./lib/rex/ui/interactive.rb:48:in `interact'
./lib/msf/ui/console/command_dispatcher/core.rb:671:in `cmd_sessions'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:230:in `send'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:230:in `run_command'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:196:in `run_single'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:191:in `each'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:191:in `run_single'
./lib/rex/ui/text/shell.rb:125:in `run'

Any advice? My sad meterpreter help looks like this:

meterpreter > help

Core Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    ?             Help menu
    channel       Displays information about active channels
    close         Closes a channel
    exit          Terminate the meterpreter session
    help          Help menu
    interact      Interacts with a channel
    irb           Drop into irb scripting mode
    migrate       Migrate the server to another process
    quit          Terminate the meterpreter session
    read          Reads data from a channel
    run           Executes a meterpreter script
    use           Load a one or more meterpreter extensions
    write         Writes data to a channel

Very frustrating, as I fixed this once.. =/


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