Metasploit mailing list archives

Docs and Links for Metasploit 3

From: mmiller at (mmiller at
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 21:39:03 -0800

We are planning on releasing an updated user guide for Metasploit 3.0 in
the coming weeks.  In addition, we currently have a developer's guide
for 3.0 that is still mostly accurate at this time (with the exception
of recon modules, which have now been renamed to auxiliary modules).
Hopefully we'll have an opportunity to update this document soon as
well.  Here's the link to the developer's guide:

Other than that, we have API documentation which can be found here:

On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 06:25:42PM +0100, jaganz for mail list wrote:
hi list,

i'm writing a doc about a penetration testing using new Framework
Metasploit 3. It will be a paper about the specific PT and not only
for MSF3 but: for works in the right way i must have some good docs.
All the papers i found is out of date (like 2005 in the year :P ) or
talk about old metasploit versions. There is some (also in beta
version) printable (and not) doc/guide/howto about metasploit 3 ,
approach, method and explanation about how to work? not only papers
but also links or other will be appreciated. Can you help me? if this
is the case, sorry for redundant question, and, if it's possibile, can
you point me to the "past thread" about this?

the last: when metasploit 3 (stable version) will be released? there
is a roadmap about this?

thank you, good work

Current thread: