Metasploit mailing list archives

Hand Held Auditing Device

From: tyggerbob at (Bob Davies)
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 06:14:11 -0500

Hi Robert.
I had started something similar using OpenEmbedded and Familiar.
I had set up a project file for a Familiar build that contained a number of
VA/Pentest tools including MSF and a number of other testing apps that I had
set up for cross-compiling to Familiar. Unfortunately, work got busy, and I
didn't have time to continue with it.
If you drop by or #gpe and talk to Florian Bloor or Phil
Blundell, they might be able to point you to the build files for the sectest
build I started and go from there.
Just a thought.
Let me know how it goes.
Bob Davies.
Ps. at one time, I had MSF 2.6 running on my iPAQ and sent H a screenshot
from it of a Windows 2k box that I had exploited using it. He was going to
put it on the MSF screenshot page, but I guess he got busy.

On 2/6/07, Robert Clark <Robert.Clark at> wrote:

Hey All,

For my masters dissertation I'm thinking about cloning some of the
functionality of the Silica device from ImmunitySec ( )

Obviously to do this I'm looking at a number of factors, building an
embedded distribution of Linux along the lines of Familiar Linux ( ) With the intended platform being a PDA
with bluetooth and Wifi (obviously).

Now apart from the base distribution I will also be looking to tie
together a few F/OSS projects here, Metasploit, Nessus and a few tools
that I am writing myself ( Mainly statistical analysis of passive
traffic for use in social engineering ).

Anyway, if anyone is interested in a project like this or has any
comments about how they would approach it / what they would use, please
feel free to email me.


  * Robert Clark
  * Technical Student ALICE/DAQ
  * Software Engineer CERN PH/AID
  * Gentoo Linux Forensics
  * hyakuhei at
  * GPG : 0x2217D168

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