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Docs and Links for Metasploit 3

From: gmljag at (jaganz)
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 08:31:33 +0100

On 2/7/07, mmiller at <mmiller at> wrote:
We are planning on releasing an updated user guide for Metasploit 3.0 in
the coming weeks.  In addition, we currently have a developer's guide
for 3.0 that is still mostly accurate at this time (with the exception
of recon modules, which have now been renamed to auxiliary modules).
Hopefully we'll have an opportunity to update this document soon as
well.  Here's the link to the developer's guide:

thanks for the answers!

The videos are very interessing and i will watch them for my first test!
thanks indeed "Dan Clemens" when i will be in the middle of writing
the doc, i will contact you for helping me!
Regarding the coming soon metasploit 3 user guide: can i read this
right now? it's not a problem if is still in beta and, if you want, i
can be the "man out of the project", and i could "debug" (if i'll be
sufficiently skilled) the coming soon document. What do you think
about it?

thank you, good work

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