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Hand Held Auditing Device

From: tyggerbob at (Bob Davies)
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 16:22:31 -0500

I had an iPAQ 5555 with built-in wifi and bluetooth, which worked well under
Familiar, and for MSF and the Nessus Plugins, I dropped in a 1G SD card and
simlinked in the directory.
That worked fine.
My wife now has the 5555, but I have a 5455 kicking around that I might see
about getting whatever the latest and greatest is from

On 2/7/07, H D Moore <hdm at> wrote:

Metasploit 3 *works* on the Zaurus, the Nokia 770, and the Nokia n800 (so
I here), but besides being slow, the UI is just not cut it for a handheld
device. Tab completion rocks when you have a full keyboard and it almost
pointless when you are trying to hunt and peck with your thumbs :-) If
someone decided to build a mini-GUI (similar to the new GTK UI being
built now), it would go a long ways toward handheld portability. Even
with the best UI in the world, there is only so fast you can input
commands using a handheld. The most efficient use of a handheld is to
launch pre-configured attacks and monitor the status via a nice UI.
Working with a windows command shell (or even meterp) is going to be a
real pain no matter what kind of UI you make.

The limitations with the Nokia 770 platform are:
* Slow CPU (this is much better with the n800)
* Limited RAM (metasploit can be quite piggy sometimes)
* Extremely slow storage (even with RS-MMC, maybe 300K/s)
* No raw wireless TX support (no fun wifi exploits)
* The devices auto-suspends w/o input, without on obvious way to disable
* No "real" USB host mode (without external power + cable + storage)

The Zaurus I have (5500) has similar limitations, but at least the storage
and WiFi is less of an issue)


On Wednesday 07 February 2007 00:22, Dave King wrote:
A couple of things you might want to know are that you may want to be
careful choosing a device if you want metasploit 3 and Nessus 3.x to
run on them.  With Metasploit 3 I remember hearing that it doesn't work
on the n770 for example (I haven't heard if it works on the n800
though). I believe the Silica runs on one of these.  I think it's a
ruby slowdown thing but I'm not sure.  I tried to get it to run on an
iPaq using familar and had the same problems.

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