Metasploit mailing list archives

use of meterpreter (copy for the list )

From: thomas.werth at (Thomas Werth)
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 07:19:32 +0200

i attacked the host directly using same exploit as in proxy attack.
Then host can be exploitet several times.
Via Proxy error msg occurs.

mmiller at schrieb:
On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 10:07:48AM +0200, Thomas Werth wrote:

Does the bind handler ever say it established the connection?  Does it
say this before or after the 'Connected to REMACT'?  If it says that the
bind handler has established the connection before the 'REMACT' line
then you may have created the port forward too soon.  Can you include
the full output from the exploit command?

bind handler doesn't say it establishes a connection. Just saw that on
meterpreter window an error is thrown up open_tcp_channel: failure, 10061.

The above error code indicates why it's not working.  10061 is
WSACONNREFUSED.  This means that when the meterpreter server instance
attempted to connect to on port 135 (or 4444 depending on
the stage), the connection was refused.  This is probably indicative of
the fact that the exploit did not work against the machine that you are
attempting to target.  Are you certain that it's vulnerable?

Thomas Werth

Tel.: 02307 / 704 - 366

Paul Vahle GmbH & Co. KG              URL       :
Westicker Strasse 52  D-59174 Kamen   E-Mail    : thomas.werth at

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