Metasploit mailing list archives

Re: usefulness of this tool

From: jerome.athias at (jerome.athias at
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 16:53:09 GMT


please take a look on the exploitTutorial.txt (in the sdk dir) and maybe also to the SecurityFocus articles.

De: "Neil" <neil-on-metasploit at>
A: framework at
Objet: [framework] Re: usefulness of this tool
Date: 17/09/2004

Great! I will. 

Also, I don't want to become like a script kiddie. I have read some people's
post in this mailing list that talks about reading registers, stacks. I
want to be like them. I know this requires knowledge in assembly. But I
would like to know how you guys find what area in the stack to put the
exploit? Is gdb the tool for this? And I had been asking myself how one
able to create an exploit. Do you have to know how the target application
works? Just some generals questions. :) 

Awesome tool by the way. Keep it up HD. ;) 

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