Interesting People: by date

93 messages starting Oct 01 16 and ending Oct 31 16
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Saturday, 01 October

Do Not Resist': A chilling look at the normalization of warrior cops Dave Farber
Today is a remarkable day for the Internet! Dave Farber
Re ICANN Transition is now complete Dave Farber
Tech giants try to calm fears over artificial intelligence | TheHill David Farber
"Here's my plan to save Twitter: let's buy it" Dave Farber
EpiPen outrage: Silicon Valley engineers figure real cost to make lifesaving auto-injector two-pack - about $8 Dave Farber
Re Today is a remarkable day for the Internet! Dave Farber
Re EpiPen outrage: Silicon Valley engineers figure real cost to make lifesaving auto-injector two-pack - about $8 Dave Farber
Re Internet Society congratulates global Internet community on successful IANA stewardship transition. Dave Farber
Re EpiPen outrage: Silicon Valley engineers figure real cost to make lifesaving auto-injector two-pack - about $8 Dave Farber
Question. Re Today is a remarkable day for the Internet! Dave Farber

Sunday, 02 October

Re Question. Re Today is a remarkable day for the Internet! Dave Farber
The Redacted Testimony That Fully Explains Why General MacArthur Was Fired | History | Smithsonian David Farber
A Law Professor Explains Why You Should Never Talk to Police | VICE | United States David Farber
Re A Law Professor Explains Why You Should Never Talk to Police | VICE | United States Dave Farber
Re Question. Re Today is a remarkable day for the Internet! Dave Farber
Re A Law Professor Explains Why You Should Never Talk to Police | VICE | United States Dave Farber

Tuesday, 04 October

re EpiPen outrage: Silicon Valley engineers figure real cost to make lifesaving auto-injector two-pack - about $8 David Farber
Two more Nobelists who worked at Bell Labs David Farber
Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for U.S. intelligence Dave Farber
Re Question. Re Today is a remarkable day for the Internet! Dave Farber
Major Outage Knocks Out All Top Phone Providers on the East Coast | The Daily Dot Dave Farber
Re Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for U.S. intelligence Dave Farber

Thursday, 06 October

Yahoo 'secretly monitored emails on behalf of the US government' Dave Farber
Spotify is causing a major problem for economists Dave Farber
Blockchain Just Got Much More Powerful | Stevens Institute of Technology Dave Farber

Friday, 07 October

re Blockchain Just Got Much More Powerful | Stevens Institute of Technology David Farber
U.S. government officially accuses Russia of hacking campaign to interfere with elections Dave Farber

Saturday, 08 October

CIA 'Siren Servers' can predict social uprisings 3-5 days in advance Dave Farber

Sunday, 09 October

Re: Spotify is causing a major problem for economists Dave Farber

Monday, 10 October

Smart machines and the future of jobs Dave Farber

Tuesday, 11 October

NSA could put undetectable "trapdoors" in millions of crypto keys Dave Farber
Barlow benefit concert Oct 24 7:30pm at Sweetwater in Mill Valley Dave Farber
Re Smart machines and the future of jobs Dave Farber

Wednesday, 12 October

The Key Leadership Skill that Steve Jobs and Ben Franklin Share - Knowledge@Wharton David Farber
Mossberg: Why does Siri seem so dumb? David Farber
Facebook has repeatedly trended fake news since firing its human editors dfarber
re Facebook has repeatedly trended fake news since firing its human editors David Farber

Thursday, 13 October

A Letter from Iceland: #CanYouHearUs.IS David Farber
re A Letter from Iceland: #CanYouHearUs.IS David Farber
FBI Director James Comey will probably not be happy with Facebook's latest messenger security Dave Farber
re A Letter from Iceland: #CanYouHearUs.IS Dave Farber
The American Way Dave Farber

Friday, 14 October

Entire US political system 'under attack' by Russian hacking, experts warn Dave Farber
Re On WikiLeaks, Journalism, and Privacy: Reporting on the Podesta Archive is an Easy Call Dave Farber
Re Entire US political system 'under attack' by Russian hacking, experts warn Dave Farber

Saturday, 15 October

Is the Internet Really Free of US Control? Dave Farber

Sunday, 16 October

Feds Walk Into A Building. Demand Everyone's Fingerprints To Open Phones Dave Farber

Monday, 17 October

Stepping Up Security for an Internet-of-Things World David Farber
re Stepping Up Security for an Internet-of-Things World David Farber
UK security agencies unlawfully collected data for 17 years, court rules David Farber
When Journalists Align With Thieves Dave Farber
Russian Hackers Faked Gmail Password Form To Invade DNC Email System Dave Farber

Tuesday, 18 October

Leo Beranek, Engineer Involved in Internet Precursor, Dies at 102 - Dave Farber

Thursday, 20 October

Your dynamic IP address is now protected personal data under EU law Dave Farber

Friday, 21 October

Internet Attack Disrupts Major Websites - The New York Times David Farber
Adam Curtis continues search for the hidden forces behind a century of chaos Dave Farber

Saturday, 22 October

Hacked Cameras, DVRs Powered Today's Massive Internet Outage Dave Farber
report on "Ethics of AI" Dave Farber
Dyn Statement on 10/21/2016 DDoS Attack Dave Farber

Sunday, 23 October

Private Eyes Dave Farber
City banks plan to hoard bitcoins to help them pay cyber ransoms David Farber
Pittsburgh's new artificially intelligent stoplights could mean no more pointless idling Dave Farber
Re Hacked Cameras, DVRs Powered Today's Massive Internet Outage Dave Farber
Re Pittsburgh's new artificially intelligent stoplights could mean no more pointless idling Dave Farber
Re Hacked Cameras, DVRs Powered Today's Massive Internet Outage Dave Farber
Re Pittsburgh's new artificially intelligent stoplights could mean no more pointless idling Dave Farber
Re Pittsburgh's new artificially intelligent stoplights could mean no more pointless idling Dave Farber
Re Pittsburgh's new artificially intelligent stoplights could mean no more pointless idling Dave Farber
Re ] Hacked Cameras, DVRs Powered Today's Massive Internet Outage Dave Farber

Monday, 24 October

Every LTE call, text, can be intercepted, blacked out, hacker finds Dave Farber
Internet Policy] 'Smart' home devices used as weapons in website attack (was RE: [Chapter-delegates] Hack Dave Farber
Someone Is Learning How to Take Down the Internet Dave Farber
Re Every LTE call, text, can be intercepted, blacked out, hacker finds Dave Farber
Re Someone Is Learning How to Take Down the Internet Dave Farber

Tuesday, 25 October

AT&T Is Spying on Americans for Profit, New Documents Reveal David Farber
The Pentagon's 'Terminator Conundrum': Robots That Could Kill on Their Own Dave Farber

Wednesday, 26 October

The Authoritarian Internet Power Grab - The Wall Street Journal. Dave Farber
Google Fiber No Longer Coming to a City Near You David Farber
Debunking the Patriot Act as It Turns 15 Dave Farber

Thursday, 27 October

] One Last Growl for F.C.C.'s Sharp-Toothed Watchdog Dave Farber
F.C.C. Tightens Privacy Rules for Broadband Providers Dave Farber
The Chinese Government Publishes an Official Blockchain Whitepaper - CryptoCoinsNews Dave Farber

Friday, 28 October

Trump's "pscychographic profiles" Dave Farber
Broadband Providers Will Need Permission to Collect Private Data Dave Farber
Facebook lets advertisers exclude users by race | Ars Technica Dave Farber

Saturday, 29 October

Telecoms' Ambitions on Targeted Ads Seen Curbed by F.C.C.'s New Privacy Rules Dave Farber
Good News! Fixing Your Car Isn't Illegal Anymore! Dave Farber

Sunday, 30 October

There's a new way to take down drones, and it doesn't involve shotguns Dave Farber

Monday, 31 October

How Not to Regulate the Internet - Bloomberg View David Farber
Provocative DiCaprio climate film, free for limited time Dave Farber
Re There's a new way to take down drones, and it doesn't involve shotguns Dave Farber
Why the Industrial Revolution didn't happen in China Dave Farber