Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: Filtering outgoing email

From: Jeremy Mooney <jmooney.edulists () GMAIL COM>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 12:06:23 -0500

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Gary Flynn wrote on 6/23/09 10:52 :
Joe Vieira wrote:
We do two things here.

Both of which work VERY well, both are free and have been super reliable.

the first of which is the use of this.

Has anyone incorporated this into an Exchange or Mirapoint
environment? Our Exchange admin is running into limits and
I'm wary about Mirapoint filter limits.

Yes, we have it integrated into Exchange. A script creates dynamic
contact objects for anything listed as seen within a timeframe, which is
then set as only allowing itself (authenticated) to send to it. Someone
attempting to send to it gets the general no permission to send to that
address message. The same concept could be set for a group dynamic
object (not dynamic group) rather than contact if you wanted to redirect
them rather than block.

With a sanitized $address and $laddress, and connected as an address
that can create and modify contact objects in the desired OU:

 $ldap->add( "CN=$address,OU=Phishing Blocks,DC=example,DC=com",
                 attr => [
                 'cn'    => $address,
                 'displayName'   => $address,
                 'name'  => $address,
                 'mail'  => $address,
                 'mailNickname'  => $laddress,
                 'objectClass'   =>
                 'entryTTL'      => 15552000,
                 'proxyAddresses'        =>
                 'targetAddress' => "SMTP:$address",
                 'msExchHideFromAddressLists'    => 'TRUE',
                 'msExchRequireAuthToSendTo'     => 'TRUE']);

 $ldap->modify( "CN=$address,OU=Phishing Blocks,DC=example,DC=com",
                 replace => [
                 'authOrig'      => ["CN=$address,OU=Phishing

The separate modify for authOrig is due to AD needing the object to
exist before it can created the linked value. Hope this helps.

- --
Jeremy Mooney
ITS - Bethel University
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)


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