Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: Password Security

From: Christopher Webber <christopher.webber () UCR EDU>
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 16:16:36 -0700

As I read this I also begin to wonder...  What are sysadmins doing to
protect the root/admin passwords?

Christopher Webber, SCSA
Resnet Coordinator
Housing Services
University of California, Riverside

Office: 951.827.6595
Fax: 951.827.7099

Some things Man was never meant to know. For everything else, there's Google.
- Unknown

Vicky Walker wrote:
David's response leads me to ask what the general consensus is about
the safety of Password Safes and what are the best ones out there today?

>>> David Seidl <dseidl () ND EDU> 10/23/2007 3:25 PM >>>
I ran into Gary in the hall and mentioned what I tell people who can't
remember passwords/passphrases, and who can't or won't use a Password
Safe style application.

The spiel goes something like this:

If you can't remember your passphrases, then you should write down part,
and remember the rest. A list of phrases with a common key portion
missing is quite reasonable as long as it isn't easily reverse
engineered. The incidence of losing both your wallet, and having someone
learn your keyphrase is likely to be very low unless you're in the bad
habit of muttering as you type it...

If you do lose the battle over the cards, turn it into a user education
opportunity - "How many of you in this room have lost your wallet, or
had it stolen?"  followed by "Who has their complete password written
down in their wallet next to their university ID card?" should be a
winning combination.

David Seidl, CISSP
University of Notre Dame, Office of Information Technologies

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