Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: False positives scanning Red Hat servers running Apache

From: Russell Fulton <r.fulton () AUCKLAND AC NZ>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 05:38:02 +1200

Wyman Miles wrote:
In general, the DoS risk isn't that severe.  And, you're not the only
person in the world who can cause one.  If you are, you probably don't
to bother with vulnerability scanning.

I'm with Wyman on this one.  We scan with all tests enabled, even
against our productions systems.  If we can knock the box over with a
scanner then so can anyone else.

The backporting of patches issue (as others have mentioned) has been
around for a long time.  I got so feed up with nessus at the time of all
the UNIX FTP vulerabilities (remember weftpd?) that I wrote my own
banner grabber script which checked the dates in the banners -- it was
*far* more reliable than the version alone (not infalible though!).


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