Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: Questions about Firewall Exceptions

From: Michael Hornung <hornung () CAC WASHINGTON EDU>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 14:58:09 -0700

Could you perhaps qualify your question by specifying whether you're
talking about border firewalls or some smaller level of zone firewall?

 Michael Hornung          Computing & Communications
 hornung () washington edu   University of Washington

On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 at 16:33, Greg T. Grimes wrote:

|I have a few questions about how everyone handles firewall exceptions.  I
|know everyone won't have the same settup as we do, but MSU is looking to
|have a formal authorization process for exceptions.  Thanks in advance.
|1.  Who manages your firewalls?  Central IT, Department IT?
|2.  Do you you require approval for an exception in a firewall for a
|  a.  If so, who approves?
|  b.  What is the approval process?
|  c.  Do you use a form?
|3.  What exceptions do you allow or disallow?
|Again, thank you in advance for your responses.  Have a great day.
|Greg T. Grimes
|Systems Programmer
|ITS -- Network Services
|Mississippi State University
|greg () its msstate edu

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