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Re: Client End Firewalls

From: Ansgar -59cobalt- Wiechers <bugtraq () planetcobalt net>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 02:08:05 +0200

On 2004-10-01 GuidoZ wrote:
Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't. It will never be able to do this
reliably, since Windows provides far too many ways to work around
it. Once the box gets compromised it's simply not yours anymore and
malware may very well fool or disable the client-side firewall (more
or less easy, depending on the firewall's configuration).

A very good point. I guess I was going along the lines of "it's better
then nothing". Even if a client side firewall was to block just one
piece of malware from causing a problem, but get duped by the 2nd, it
was worth it.

Depends on your point of view. People may consider it sufficient if the
program stops at least one attack, but I just can't accept unreliable
software as a security feature.

The configuration is a big key. I won't discuss centralized management
right now, however I have a point to make about individuals holding
their own. Using a firewall with password protection is a must.

It raises the bar a little bit, but IMHO not enough. Password-protection
may be circumvented e.g. by sniffing the password or its hash from
Windows-messages. A client-side firewall should be a service and no user
should be able to tamper with it in any way. Configuration should be
done through a separate program (available only to administrative users)
and should be written to a file (the registry, whatever) from where the
service reads it.

I don't see much sense in client-side firewalling, especially in an
enterprise environment. You can't control outbound connections in a
reliable manner, and you don't need it to control inbound

You shouldn't need to control inbound connections, no. However, once
again, in most cases it doesn't hurt to have an extra layer of
protection. Configuration is the key.

You're adding more code and more complexity to the system. This approach
has already been proved wrong by the Witty worm.

Shut down the services you don't need, set up an IDS/IPS, and you're

Definitely something to do, though I would argue that you're fine just
because you have locked down the box a bit. After all, email viruses/
malware don't depend on forgotten services.

True. However, shutting down services does not aim at this issue at all.
Browsers and mail clients that can't be tricked into executing code as
easily as IE/OE do. Educating the users does. Spam filters and whitlists
for mail-attachments do. Even AV software does.

However, even if your AV definitions aren't up to date, a properly
configured client side firewall will stop the attack dead in it's

Maybe, but I consider it a lot easier to keep AV definitions up to date
than getting the client firewall properly configured. YMMV.

Client-side firewalling doesn't qualify as defense-in-depth, since
there are more reliable ways to achieve the same goal. IMHO.

No, it certainly isn't defense-in-depth, but it's not pocket change
either. =) Even Microsoft finally recognized the need for a client
side firewall and included one in SP2. (Of course how much of a
firewall it is should be topic for debate; but not now.) Please share
what other reliable ways to achieve the same goal you know of.

Since blocking outbound traffic can't work reliably, I consider PFWs to
be more like a host-based IDS on this behalf. However, I think a real
NIDS (or IPS) will be much more reliable because the malware cannot
tamper with it.

If you really must have client-side firewalling (for whatever
reason), you want at least central configuration of the rules. You
definitely do *not* want your users to be able to allow or disallow

This is certainly preferred, though not always possible. Frequently
applications like this can be rather costly. Individual licenses for
the different systems is usually cheaper, depending on the size of the

The licenses may be cheaper, but are they still cheaper after adding the
additional costs for configuration and configuration-changes?

While I was away on other business, a ethernet cable failed (was
accidentally cut inside the wall by a falling pallet). All they knew
was that they were offline. The one who knew the most about networking
(who just barely knows enough to get into trouble) ran a new cable
directly to their sDSL router from the 16 port switch. This allowed
them to get back online of course, although it completely bypassed the
firewall and VPN I have setup. Luckily they all had Sygate
Professional firewall installed and running. (I also had the log files
turned on for my own benefit, allowing me to see what applications
were trying to get out and what was blocked.) I had setup the
configurations individually (and passworded them) so that they would
be correct AND be tamper resistant.

During the 3 days that they were wide open to the world (besides the
protection Sygate provided), I logged a combined 26 intrusion attempts
to the Windows boxes (not including the script-kiddie port scans,
usual ICMP requests, etc). The UNIX system with the dumb terminals
wasn't connected to the same network, so it was safe. Had the
client-side firewalls not been in place, I would of had a royal mess
on my hands when I returned.

Why do you think so? Having the unnecessary services shut down should
have worked as well, since the PFW cannot protect services that need to
be available on the local network.

However, they should *never* deal with stuff like this on their own (for
obvious reasons) and there should be a policy in place telling them so.
If the online-connection is that crucial for them, they should have
redundant connections or at least someone who is able to do basic
operations/troubleshooting while you are away.

In another case (unrelated to the above example, but makes a good
point), Sygate has blocked numerous spyware from releasing possible
sensitive information from one user in particular who has a fetish
with screensavers. Someone else had disabled their automated AV
scanning "because it was slowing down copying files" and let Dumaru
(mass-mailing worm with a trojan dropper) get through. Sygate was able
to block network access to the trojan, possibly saving sensitive
information from getting out.

Users definitely should not be able to install software to %SystemRoot%
or disable the virus scanner. Issues like these are prevented by not
granting escalated privileges to normal users. Policies help addressing
social issues with that.

Ansgar Wiechers
"Those who would give up liberty for a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety, and will lose both."
--Benjamin Franklin

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