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From: bishop at (Matt Bishop)
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 09:41:11 -0700


Ah, once again I expressed myself poorly. Apologies to all; it was too  
early in the morning to write (I'm on Pacific time).

As far as I'm concerned, being able to understand English is crucial  
to meaningful interpretation of literature written in that language,  
and being able to write and speak English with mastery is crucial to  
effective self-expression as a critic. So English mastery is not  
just "incidental and important", it is absolutely vital to the  
success of the English major who aspires to more than mediocrity.

I did not mean that it was unimportant; indeed, I very strongly agree  
with you. I mean that learning to express oneself is part of the focus  
of a good English curriculum, but not the only one. You begin with  
basic instruction in that (English/Rhetoric/Comp Lit 1A-1B-1C), and  
then take an advanced course or two on that topic, and then continue  
to hone your skills on courses like Shakespeare, Orwell, Milton,  
Steinbeck, etc. But in those later courses the primary goal is not to  
teach you clarity of expression; you are assumed to know how to  
express yourself, and your skills improve as a result of constructive  
criticism on what you write. And without the ability to express  
yourself clearly, you can't discuss themes, characterizations, and  
other aspects of English.

I think "secure" programming should be taught similarly. The primary  
goal of learning to program is not to write "secure" programs. it is  
to learn to write good programs, designed with the appropriate amount  
of thought for the requirements and use. Someone specializing in  
analysis of algorithms will probably not delve as deeply into software  
engineering as someone specializing in that area, and I think that  
requiring the algorithmist (is there such a word?) to know software  
engineering at that level is inappropriate. *But* the algorithmist  
should know how to write good code, and that's basically what we are  
talking about.

I hope this clarifies what I meant. Learning to write good code is  
incidental to one's studies in the sense that it is not the end goal,  
but it is a necessary skill, and an important one, for all who program.

I feel the same way about software development. Writing software  
sloppily results in software the functional objectives of which can  
be subverted, either accidentally or intentionally. Such software  
cannot be said to satisfy those objectives, and thus it must be seen  
as failing, at least partially. It's only because we have accepted  
such partial failure for as long as there has been software that our  
standards for what we consider "goodness" for software are so poor.

Yep; if your requirements are poorly thought out, your software may  
satisfy them, but it (almost certainly) won't do what it should. An  
observation: it's not just in software that we accept partial  
failures. Think of the last time you called a large company about a  
problem :-).

Thanks, Karen!


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