Politech: by date

65 messages starting Oct 02 00 and ending Oct 31 00
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Tuesday, 31 October

FC: Why Bill Joy is elitist, myopic, and wrong Declan McCullagh
FC: How sex sites scam the Google search engine, from Geeknews Declan McCullagh
FC: Some defenses of Al Gore and his tech-savviness Declan McCullagh
FC: ICANN Update: Putting names in a historical perspective, and more Declan McCullagh

Saturday, 28 October

FC: U.S. Copyright Office says DeCSS bad, filtering hacking good Declan McCullagh
FC: Why this porn peddler is voting Libertarian, by Madeline Declan McCullagh
FC: Microsoft hacked, source code taken, from Wall Street Journal Declan McCullagh

Friday, 27 October

FC: Privacy will be legacy of 106th Congress, from The Hill Declan McCullagh
FC: More on FBI demo of Carnivore -- and when it's used Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 26 October

FC: Privacy: Dems criticize GOP, Calif, Australia, and Carnivore Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 25 October

FC: More on Wired tech scorecard for House of Representatives Declan McCullagh
FC: Update on music industry's SDMI watermarking challenge Declan McCullagh
FC: FBI agent reportedly gives public demo of Carnivore Declan McCullagh
FC: George Gilder, utter madman? Declan McCullagh
FC: House Republicans consider Census database, from NY Times Declan McCullagh
FC: Wired News tech scorecard for U.S. House of Representatives Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 24 October

FC: Al Gore, Internet enemy? by George Gilder Declan McCullagh
FC: Gore, Bush, and the new economy, by Paul Krugman Declan McCullagh

Monday, 23 October

FC: Bob Barr attacked over online "animal porn," from Washington Post Declan McCullagh
FC: Voteauction.com now online again: The Whack-A-Mole Defense Declan McCullagh

Friday, 20 October

FC: California tells Libertarian candidate to close "sell vote" site Declan McCullagh
FC: Congressmen spar over police administrative subpoena-snooping bill Declan McCullagh
FC: Reply to COPA Commission spinning over Internet filtering Declan McCullagh
FC: More on Milosevic censored websites -- with credit, this time Declan McCullagh
FC: Voteauction.com will be shut down, from A.Pressman Declan McCullagh
FC: COPA Commission spinning over Internet filtering Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 19 October

FC: Rep. Armey questions Justice Department review of Carnivore Declan McCullagh
FC: Appeals courts rule on violent arcade games (YES), anonymity (NO) Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 18 October

FC: Why library filters do not violate the 1st Amendment, by K.Bass Declan McCullagh
FC: Civil lib groups oppose CoE treaty, OECD "cybercrime" forum Declan McCullagh
FC: Americans overwhelmingly want Net-filters in schools Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 17 October

FC: Gore and Bush during debate: Equal-opportunity censors? Declan McCullagh
FC: I created the "Al Gore created the Internet" story Declan McCullagh

Monday, 16 October

FC: Milosevic censored opposition websites; Japan privacy legislation Declan McCullagh
FC: Where Bush and Gore stand on the Internet Declan McCullagh

Sunday, 15 October

FC: Senate approves online booze ban; FCC, landlords, and telcos Declan McCullagh
FC: Conservative groups oppose mandatory library filtering Declan McCullagh

Saturday, 14 October

FC: Republican Party radio address slams MS antitrust suit Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 12 October

FC: Orrin Hatch hosts Napster love-in; Voteauction.com getting sued Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 11 October

FC: Gov. Bush links Columbine massacre to Internet use Declan McCullagh
FC: Note to Dems: Don't Let Joeseph Lieberman Log On Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 10 October

FC: ICANN election results are in: The geek wins... Declan McCullagh
FC: Microsoft 25th party; lots of politechnical photos Declan McCullagh
FC: FBI says America needs anti-privacy, cyber-ethics education Declan McCullagh
FC: Bush and Gore campaigns to debate privacy; Rep. Vento dead at 60 Declan McCullagh
FC: Nortel Networks chat 2 pm Tues; EFF forum at Stanford on 10/5 Declan McCullagh

Monday, 09 October

FC: Sun spends $3 million on anti-Microsoft antitrust lobbying Declan McCullagh
FC: The search is over: Robert Silensky revealed Declan McCullagh
FC: Ralph Nader sends privacy survey to Bush and Gore campaigns Declan McCullagh
FC: More on email tax hoax and "Senate bill 602P" Declan McCullagh

Sunday, 08 October

FC: Lazio and Clinton fall for hoax email tax during Senate debate Declan McCullagh

Friday, 06 October

FC: Canadians like sharing their private data -- for cash Declan McCullagh
FC: Sega tries to censor hacker discussions of Dreamcast system Declan McCullagh
FC: Chicago officials try to shut down voteauction.com Declan McCullagh
FC: Obnoxious sex sites should be illegal, COPA commission says Declan McCullagh
FC: Spending bills include controversial Net-legislation Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 05 October

FC: Supreme Court denies reporter's kiddie porn appeal Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 04 October

FC: ICANN releases list of top-level domain applicants Declan McCullagh
FC: Is Judge Jackson backing away from MS breakup? Declan McCullagh

Monday, 02 October

FC: Did MS antitrust suit harm competition? By J.Glassman Declan McCullagh
FC: Computer industry's latest political giving, from CRP Declan McCullagh
FC: Responses to conservative group lobbies for U.S. mail spying Declan McCullagh
FC: Silensky/Wilensky search over; administrative note Declan McCullagh
FC: ICANN candidates' debate tonight in Cambridge, Mass. Declan McCullagh
FC: Online presidential debate flops; GOP/Dems surf differently Declan McCullagh