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Re: Proving Gig Speed

From: Mark Tinka <mark.tinka () seacom mu>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2018 16:00:49 +0200

On 18/Jul/18 15:41, K. Scott Helms wrote:

That's why I vastly prefer stats from the actual CDNs and content
providers that aren't generated by speed tests.  They're generated by
measuring the actual performance of the service they deliver.  Now,
that won't prevent burden shifting, but it does get rid of a lot of
the problems you bring up.  Youtube for example wouldn't rate a video
stream as good if the packet loss were high because it's actually
looking at the bit rate of successfully delivered encapsulated video
frames I _think_ the same is true of Netflix though they also offer a
real time test as well which frankly isn't as helpful for monitoring
but getting a quick test to the Netflix node you'd normally use can be
nice in some cases.


In our market, we've generally not struggled with users and their
experience for services hosted locally in-country.

So in addition to providing good tools for operators and eyeballs to
measure experience, the biggest win will come from the content folk and
CDN's getting their services inside our market.


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