Interesting People mailing list archives

Re: Comcast blocking mail to its customers

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 10:49:59 -0400

Begin forwarded message:

From: "David P. Reed" <dpreed () reed com>
Date: October 16, 2008 10:01:02 AM EDT
To: dave () farber net
Cc: ip <ip () v2 listbox com>
Subject: Re: [IP] Re:      Comcast blocking mail to its customers

Dave - Hope you'll post this.

I'm happy to work with people on constructive solutions and policies. But please save the discussion from distraction by those who who claim to "solve" the problem and then claim that my problems, *caused by their solutions*, don't exist or have no reality or credibility.

As a sane and rational person ... [why did I say that? Well the word "sane" and "lunatic" have been entered into this conversation. I'll take a psychological test if that is relevant. I don't think it is - judge my arguments, instead. Would it matter if people knew my IQ or my shoe size?] here's my long-form opinion:

SMTP gateways have a major technical flaw: spam is not defined by sender "reputation" (a corruption of the word - all it means here is some random algorithmic statistic given a high-falutin' name). Spam is defined as a communication unsolicited by the recipient and sent in bulk. How does an SMTP gateway based on reputation measure "bulk"- ness or individual "recipient" wishes, much less do the "AND" operation between the two. The SMTP gateway cannot know that I *subscribed* to that bulk mailing, nor can the ultimate POP or IMAP server.

Efficiency cannot be the primary criterion. It is also "efficient" to stop gun crimes by taking away all guns, or to stop hate crime by taking away all the groups who inspire hatred (deport all those who don't learn English quickly enough?). Solutions must be measured by their functional effects and side effects, not cpu cycles.

More rights have been eroded by appeals to efficiency and "unavoidable" collateral damage than by any other means.

A case study, me: I use TLS authenticated SMTP gateways to post my mail, yet:

1) Hotels routinely block my access to use TLS authenticated mail services, forcing me to use their spam filtering software that opens and reads my mail in the clear, or to use very complex techniques not available to ordinary people, who would be shocked to find that their mail is being inspected by the hotel's contractors. 2) Many, many times, my emails posted through TLS authenticated gateways get subsequently blocked by spam-RBL's because some intermediary site was called by "reputation" a spam source. The RBL system is prone to abuse, and it is abused.

So I personally follow very strict rules, which would suggest that my mail is *never* spam, but:

   my mail routinely gets *labeled* as spam, which is unfortunate,
and then *dropped without notifying* the recipient or me, which is beyond unfortunate - it is probably actionable as a matter of law, but in any case is *unconscionable*.

I'm not saying this is an *easy* problem to solve, but it is completely non-constructive for people (such as Levine and Ramasubrmanian) to claim that I and many others are not *experiencing* a problem. It's a problem I experience *every* week. There are people who struggle with the complexity of this problem, and others who mostly want to make snide remarks.

I also use a "spam labeler" intermediary for my received mail (but I don't authorize it to drop mail). I receive many (one-two per week) messages that are important to me that have been erroneously labeled as spam by the relatively high-quality labeling process, which I have affirmatively authorized.

Unilateral *dropping* is the problem I am objecting to, and refuse to have imposed on me or my counterparties by intermediaries - then I or my correspondents never have a chance to see the mail, or add the sender to my local "whitelist" that rescues it automatically from my "low priority, probably spam" bucket.

I'm happy to work with people on constructive solutions and policies. But please save me from the self-righteous spam vigilantes who claim to "solve" the problem by unilateral discards on a wholesale, non- transparent basis, and then claim that my problems, caused by their solutions, don't exist.

And those on this list who label me as a "lunatic" - well, there's nothing I can do about what you think. But perhaps your aggressive attempts to label me reflects a fear that I have a real point. I'm sorry I scare you so much.

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