Interesting People: by author

221 messages starting Feb 22 03 and ending Feb 07 03
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Dave Farber

a comment on Opportunities for Covad, Earthlink in FCC Decision Dave Farber (Feb 22)
The Net's Faltering Democracy Dave Farber (Feb 20)
Ranking the most tech-ready countries: No, US isn't No. 1 Dave Farber (Feb 28)
again the best law money can buy.. Weakening of Organic Standard Is Considered Dave Farber (Feb 15)
more on British Prime Minister Tony Blair cross-examined on the BBC Dave Farber (Feb 08)
more on revolution in Japan Dave Farber (Feb 05)
I White House Releases Cybersecurity Plan Dave Farber (Feb 14)
are they talking about the same story??? Dave Farber (Feb 13)
Valenti Interview at Harvard Dave Farber (Feb 07)
Seminar at Upenn by Matt Blaze -- Cryptology and Physical Security: Rights Amplification in Mechanical Locks Dave Farber (Feb 03)
more on Can I vibrate? CELL PHONES BANNED FROM NEW YORKTHEATERS Dave Farber (Feb 15)
-- query from Iper SMS terror warning London IP piece - but will it work during terrorist attack when cell phone bandwidth is overloaded or commandeered for emergency use as has been mandated in US after 9/11 Dave Farber (Feb 13)
Please place your brain on the ink pad and then roll it slowly to the right: Dave Farber (Feb 13)
Roboburgh Robotics represents the sizzle that goes with the steak of factory and process automation Dave Farber (Feb 18)
Caution Smallpox Researchers Seek Help From Millions of Computer Users Dave Farber (Feb 07)
Good news for IP, for a change Dave Farber (Feb 15)
NASA establishes Web site for shuttle debris photo/video uploads Dave Farber (Feb 02)
no idea if this is true A lesson in English word history Dave Farber (Feb 12)
Call for papers TPRC -- The 31st Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy Dave Farber (Feb 18)
what gives: Inspectors Call U.S. Tips 'Garbage' Dave Farber (Feb 21)
"Microsoft's plan to improve computer security could set off fight over use of online materials" Dave Farber (Feb 17)
Trial Near in Patent Case on Key Internet Technology Dave Farber (Feb 20)
The Real Michael Powell The FCC chairman is Al Gore in Republican clothing. Dave Farber (Feb 19)
Google's search patent... Dave Farber (Feb 28)
more on This is "pretty good" privacy? Dave Farber (Feb 23)
Citibank tries to gag crypto bug disclosure Dave Farber (Feb 20)
Son of Patriot draft EFF mirror Dave Farber (Feb 08)
Music Industry Confronts New Internet Swap Threats; Netherlands court ruling provides legal protection for P2P Dave Farber (Feb 23)
NSF Cyberinfrastructure Report is now available Dave Farber (Feb 03)
Shuttle radar images Dave Farber (Feb 01)
Samsung-Symbian deal is a blow to Microsoft Dave Farber (Feb 20)
washpost: in defeat for Powell, FCC will vote to retain Bell sharing Dave Farber (Feb 20)
: Dream Nears Reality: Ease Up at the F.C.C. Dave Farber (Feb 02)
Off-leash dog bites police officer: Owner is a terrorist Dave Farber (Feb 19)
Patriot II--he's just the messenger! Dave Farber (Feb 10)
Rising Anti-American Sentiment Could Slam the Tech Sector Dave Farber (Feb 19)
Patriot II: The Sequel Why It's Even Scarier than the First Patriot Act Dave Farber (Feb 18)
Airline Passenger or Terrorism Suspect? Dave Farber (Feb 12)
March 4 th and the White House Dave Farber (Feb 11)
Remembering what it means to be an American Dave Farber (Feb 25)
SMS in terror situations Dave Farber (Feb 16)
FUN -- Why run Linux? (requires flash) Dave Farber (Feb 11)
Clues on how 8 Million Credit Accounts Exposed? Dave Farber (Feb 21)
Immorality on the March - Michael Kelly Dave Farber (Feb 20)
U.S. Economy in Worst Hiring Slump in 20 Years Dave Farber (Feb 07)
A Wealth of Information Online Dave Farber (Feb 05)
More bad advice from Tom Ridge... Dave Farber (Feb 24)
Ricochet Wireless Rides Again Dave Farber (Feb 18)
A Radio Chip in Every Consumer Product Dave Farber (Feb 25)
Well worth reading and asking -- why not here? -- A Personal Account: FTTH in Japan Dave Farber (Feb 22)
Karl's comments on -- The Net's Faltering Democracy Dave Farber (Feb 20)
FCC ruling is a blow to the competitive marketplace By Dan Gillmor Dave Farber (Feb 21)
Speech by Sen. Robert Byrd -- Reckless Administration May Reap Disastrous Consequences Dave Farber (Feb 13)
NTT is imploding Dave Farber (Feb 15)
more on Can I vibrate? CELL PHONES BANNED FROM NEW YORKTHEATERS Dave Farber (Feb 15)
The Photographer's Right - A Downloadable Flyer Dave Farber (Feb 19)
Cognitive Dissident John Perry Barlow Dave Farber (Feb 03)
Lawyers say hackers are getting bum rap Dave Farber (Feb 21)
a bit more on 8 Million Credit Accounts Exposed FBI to Investigate Hacking of Database Dave Farber (Feb 20)
more on Off-leash dog bites police officer: Owner is a terrorist Dave Farber (Feb 19)
Political Counselor in Athens' US embassy resigns Dave Farber (Feb 28)
Must Read and See: Ari Gets Laughed Out of WH Briefing Room] Dave Farber (Feb 27)
Windows RMS and its uses -- a new policy controlled DRM for documents Dave Farber (Feb 22)
FCC tells Bells to share gear But panel makes new broadband networks exempt from rules Dave Farber (Feb 21)
FCC Votes on Telco/Broadband Overhaul Dave Farber (Feb 20)
polygraph testing Dave Farber (Feb 20)
Battle over the Broadcast Flag (a Cato Institute debate) Dave Farber (Feb 10)
"Famous But Incompetent" Dave Farber (Feb 27)
a pirce very worth reading till the end SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL by John Perry Barlow Dave Farber (Feb 23)
revolution in Japan Dave Farber (Feb 04)
more on the NYC peace march -- an observation(s) Dave Farber (Feb 16)
British Prime Minister Tony Blair cross-examined on the BBC Dave Farber (Feb 07)
Reality check on terrorism. Dave Farber (Feb 15)
privacy policies Dave Farber (Feb 24)
UK data privacy plans Dave Farber (Feb 26)
Approved music file-swapping Dave Farber (Feb 13)
Web Magazine Facing Failure Dave Farber (Feb 15)
TIA Alive And Well Dave Farber (Feb 08)
RIPE NCC Report: Sapphire/SQL Slammer Worm Impact Dave Farber (Feb 13)
more on (last) March 4 th and the White House Dave Farber (Feb 11)
Internet firms seek limits on privacy law - Mpls Star Tribune Dave Farber (Feb 20)
Russia: Post Offices Get Wired: 28 Jan 03 Dave Farber (Feb 12)
Shuttle debris already appearing on eBay Dave Farber (Feb 01)
Edsger Dijkstra quote on Computer Science from RISKS Dave Farber (Feb 18)
Researchers Work on Anti - Terror Program Dave Farber (Feb 13)
request for rememberances of Julian Bigelow Dave Farber (Feb 22)
more on Big Diamond theft - a Hollywood movie in the making - right now Dave Farber (Feb 22)
Speakeasy Member Call to Action: FCC Vote 2/20/03 Dave Farber (Feb 19)
FW: American Studies Association - Intellectual Freedom in a Time of War Dave Farber (Feb 12)
The Geopolitics of France Dave Farber (Feb 17)
U.S. plan: Threat level for every flier ACLU objects, calls background checks unconstitutional Dave Farber (Feb 28)
Public Radio in Michigan halts music program streaming Dave Farber (Feb 26)
Opportunities for Covad, Earthlink in FCC Decision Dave Farber (Feb 21)
sunshine -- Speakeasy Member Call to Action: FCC Vote 2/20/03 Dave Farber (Feb 19) Article: F.C.C. Ruling Is Expected to Favor Bells Dave Farber (Feb 20)
Ebay and Big Brother is watching you - and documenting Dave Farber (Feb 20)
Information Integration and XML: creation of the next generation * 4:15PM, Wed February 26, 2003 in Gates B03 Dave Farber (Feb 25)
World Press Review for differing transatlantic perspectives Dave Farber (Feb 19)
FCC Vote On Phone Competition Delayed Colleagues Line Up Against Powell Plan Dave Farber (Feb 11)
A BIG mistake re DSL Prime Inside DC Dave Farber (Feb 21)
The Real Threat of Internet Jurisdiction Dave Farber (Feb 24)
more on (with a comment on mail protocol) Rising Anti-American Sentiment Could Slam the Tech Sector Dave Farber (Feb 20)
More WSJ Fiction Dave Farber (Feb 15)
Google's search patent... Dave Farber (Feb 28)
EFF: Public Asks Copyright Office to Allow Common CD/DVD Uses, Electronic Frontier Foundation Encourages Public Comments Dave Farber (Feb 20)
more^2 on Airline war use Dave Farber (Feb 11)
Summary of MIT/VLAB UWB Dave Farber (Feb 20)
more on The Geopolitics of France Dave Farber (Feb 17)
London's pricing scheme suffers "scope creep" in the name of security Dave Farber (Feb 17)
url for "Microsoft's plan to improve computer security could set off fight over use of online materials" Dave Farber (Feb 17)
Microsoft DRM could open loophole in consent decree Dave Farber (Feb 27)
This is "pretty good" privacy? Dave Farber (Feb 23)
final more^2 on Airline war use Dave Farber (Feb 11)
Tuesday Night Event! - live webcast Dave Farber (Feb 25)
DSL Prime Inside DC Dave Farber (Feb 21)
Stupid security measures, a contest Dave Farber (Feb 12)
The Doghouse: Meganet and for this to Dept of Labor gave $4million Dave Farber (Feb 15)
Technologies of the New York march Dave Farber (Feb 16)
now the "other guys" have justification Dave Farber (Feb 07)
Differing transatlantic perspectives Dave Farber (Feb 19)
Big Diamond theft - a Hollywood movie in the making - right now Dave Farber (Feb 22)
Bells thank young Commissioner Martin by threatening not to build out advanced broadband networks (aint it grand?) Dave Farber (Feb 21)
Undeclared wars - by Thomas Sowell Dave Farber (Feb 20)
Google just bought Pyra (Blogger company) Dave Farber (Feb 15)
Lawsuit challenges software licensing Dave Farber (Feb 10)
response from PGP -- PGP EULA and Business Realities Dave Farber (Feb 24)
more on Patriot II: The Sequel Why It's Even Scarier thanthe First Patriot Act Dave Farber (Feb 21)
Broadband in Japan vs. US Dave Farber (Feb 04)
Shuttle "missing"... Dave Farber (Feb 01)
TurboTax Application writes to your hard disk boot sector! Dave Farber (Feb 16)
Julian Bigelow, 89, Computer Pioneer, Is Dead Dave Farber (Feb 22)
Researchers Work on Anti - Terror Program Dave Farber (Feb 13)
Iraqi 'terror ships' at sea Dave Farber (Feb 20)
Of course people don't want war. Dave Farber (Feb 26)
John Dvorak: "Crummy UCITA Legislation is Back" Dave Farber (Feb 19)
Starbucks trashed by war demonstrators--NOT Dave Farber (Feb 17)
Good Privacy News - NH Supreme Ct Boyer Decision Dave Farber (Feb 18)
Dan Gillmor: Bill of Rights under a new assault Dave Farber (Feb 19)
Com21 de-listed by Nasdaq Dave Farber (Feb 28)
Interesting People list = the prototypical blog? Dave Farber (Feb 25)
theft of thousands of resumes from biotech, pharmaceutical, and health resume databases Dave Farber (Feb 19)
Privacy International Seeks Nominations for Big Brother Awards Dave Farber (Feb 02)
more on Iraqi 'terror ships' at sea Dave Farber (Feb 20)
TIDES Middle East Report No. 9 Dave Farber (Feb 19)
the NYC peace march -- an observation(s) Dave Farber (Feb 16)
Envisioning what a world with an Open Spectrum Commons look like... Dave Farber (Feb 03)
What Tort Reform might do to injured plaintiffs: A return to the "good old days." Dave Farber (Feb 12)
Public Finds the Internet More Important Than Ever Dave Farber (Feb 01)
we predicted it Dave Farber (Feb 21)
3.4GHz spectrum auction, Broadband Britain... and Wales! Dave Farber (Feb 04)
Weapons of Mass Amnesia Dave Farber (Feb 26)
US 'concern' at Egypt powers Dave Farber (Feb 25)
what are we becoming Dave Farber (Feb 13)
HSUS Asks Texas House To Reject Legislation Criminalizing Dave Farber (Feb 19)
Researchers Work on Anti - Terror Program Dave Farber (Feb 13)
more on further query to SMS availability during time when voice access may be limited by govt priority orders Dave Farber (Feb 15)
last two on NYC Dave Farber (Feb 17)
BBC: US hackers told to leave Iraq alone Dave Farber (Feb 14)
Krugman on The Great Media Divide (from the New York Times) Dave Farber (Feb 18)
Google removal - Chester's Guide to Molesting Google Dave Farber (Feb 27)
raised terror alert based on false data Dave Farber (Feb 13)
more on (2) revolution in Japan Dave Farber (Feb 08)
Smallpox Researchers Seek Help From Millions of Computer Users Dave Farber (Feb 05)
more on Can I vibrate? CELL PHONES BANNED FROM NEW YORKTHEATERS Dave Farber (Feb 17)
Japanese National ID Number Dave Farber (Feb 15)
CDT Report Criticizes Pennsylvania Site Blocking Law Dave Farber (Feb 20)
Unauthorized Biography of the Baby Bells Dave Farber (Feb 14)
Antibiotic-resistant superbug causes deadly skin boils Dave Farber (Feb 11)
Airline war use Dave Farber (Feb 11)
"Written patent policy with clear guidance" Dave Farber (Jan 31)
CPI Obtains Draft "PATRIOT II" Act Dave Farber (Feb 07)
E-Commerce Battles 'Me'-Commerce / A lone patent holder asserts vast rights over shopping on the Web. Others call it extortion. Dave Farber (Feb 10)
more on Undeclared wars - by Thomas Sowell Dave Farber (Feb 21)
more on revolution in Japan Dave Farber (Feb 04)
more on Immorality on the March - Michael Kelly Dave Farber (Feb 20)
Cut-Rate Satellite Dave Farber (Feb 20)
Even homeland security shorted By Daniel Schorr Dave Farber (Feb 21)
for Pittsburghers -- Computer Surveillance & the War on Terrorism Dave Farber (Feb 18)
Possible note for IP'ers... Dave Farber (Feb 25)
Hackers Run Wild and Free on AOL Dave Farber (Feb 22)
Re: Boingo Dave Farber (Feb 19)
two comments re nyc demonstrations Dave Farber (Feb 16)
Items Confiscated At Airports Sold on Ebay Dave Farber (Feb 28)
Satire "Thank You For Calling the War Sign-Up Line" Dave Farber (Feb 22)
more on that "refund" from the record labels Dave Farber (Feb 10)
Just a reminder when you use Ebay!! Dave Farber (Feb 21)
Samsung-Symbian deal is a blow to Microsoft Dave Farber (Feb 20)
NATO split over Iraq: Congressman tells the BBC why he believes the french can only surrender Dave Farber (Feb 13)
feud at the FCC Dave Farber (Feb 17)
German Mediator Recommends Copyright Levy on Computers Dave Farber (Feb 07) have to see this to believe it!!!! Dave Farber (Feb 18)
don't take pictures of trains Dave Farber (Feb 18)
ATTWS Misleading Billing Practices Dave Farber (Feb 03)
Shuttle editorial cartoon gallery Dave Farber (Feb 11)

David Farber

more Caution Smallpox Researchers Seek Help From Millions of Computer Users David Farber (Feb 07)
for cmu sym tonight URL for webcast David Farber (Feb 25)
A article from: garreauj () washpost com David Farber (Feb 07)
SMS sign of the times David Farber (Feb 13)
community-acquired MRSA and VRSA David Farber (Feb 11)
Commercial airlines already flying soldiers to Gulf David Farber (Feb 11)
more info URL for webcast (fwd) David Farber (Feb 25)
more on ] Have ISP's walked into their own trap? David Farber (Feb 24)
url for what gives: Inspectors Call U.S. Tips 'Garbage' David Farber (Feb 21)
more on Airline war use David Farber (Feb 11)
7 pm est tomorrow webcast of tomorrow's panel David Farber (Feb 24)
Kasparov versus Computer David Farber (Feb 08)
Have ISP's walked into their own trap? David Farber (Feb 24)
Internet gets its own country code - 87810 David Farber (Feb 11)
New Restrictions on Air Travel David Farber (Feb 09)
more on a bit more on 8 Million Credit Accounts Exposed FBI to Investigate Hacking of Database David Farber (Feb 20)
BBC story on hacked Visa & Mastercards David Farber (Feb 18)
Sprite triggered shuttle break-up? David Farber (Feb 07)
Some E-tailers must begin collecting Sales Tax David Farber (Feb 08)
Washington Monthly's 1980 critique of the space shuttle David Farber (Feb 03)
Movie Advertising Lawsuit David Farber (Feb 21)
Channel 4 Reports that Downing St. dossier was plagiarised from document describing Iraq in 1991 David Farber (Feb 07)