Interesting People: by date

110 messages starting Oct 01 98 and ending Oct 31 98
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Thursday, 01 October

IP: Canadian cryptography policy announced (fwd) Dave Farber
IP: FTC criticizes Database bill and research example Dave Farber

Friday, 02 October

IP: required nat'l ID card) Our Freedom at Stake! Dave Farber
IP: Computer collapse wipes out British Social Security records -- from RISKS Dave Farber
IP: more on required nat'l ID card) Our Freedom at Stake! Dave Farber
IP: And the truth shall make you free (or angry) Dave Farber
IP: IANA Proposal Submitted to the USG Dave Farber
IP: We already have a national ID card. Dave Farber
IP: Jammin' Dave Farber
IP: National Science Policy Report Dave Farber

Saturday, 03 October

IP: the fifth iteration of new IANAbylaws/articles -- an editorial comment from your Editor Dave Farber
IP: Testimony on Combating Terrorism Dave Farber

Sunday, 04 October

IP: New Jupiter Class WinCE Handheld Dave Farber

Monday, 05 October

IP: New from Sony Dave Farber
IP: Internet as Pawn in a Dangerous Euro-American Duel on Datamining and E-Commerce Dave Farber
IP: A suggestion for the new IANA Dave Farber

Tuesday, 06 October

IP: RE: A suggestion for the new IANA Dave Farber
IP: CDT -- Congress, Drawing To A Close, Considers Critical Internet Bills Dave Farber
IP: Life, Liberty & Copyright Dave Farber
IP: Re: Life, Liberty & Copyright Dave Farber
IP: Gordon Cooks Final Installment Dave Farber
IP: Re: single chip to handle all the functions of a cable modem Dave Farber

Wednesday, 07 October

IP: 2 more years of NSI -- Press Release Dave Farber
IP: Technological Decision-Making at the National Level Dave Farber
IP: Internet Censorship Bills Move in both House and Senate Dave Farber
IP: ACLU/EFF/EPIC: Congress Just a Step Away from Censoring the Net Dave Farber
IP: Re:: A suggestion for the new IANA Dave Farber

Thursday, 08 October

IP: Fwd: Statement By The President: Internet Tax Freedom Act Dave Farber
IP: House Passes Roving Wiretaps Dave Farber

Friday, 09 October

IP: Re: House Passes Roving Wiretaps Dave Farber
IP: WITSA report on world IT economy released Dave Farber
IP: A series of messages re the Malaysian Net patrol and US electronic death penalty Dave Farber
IP: Rep. Ehlers on National Science Policy Report This is NOT the same info as a previous post Dave Farber
IP: WASHINGTON-UPDATE EDUCAUSE Washington Update 10-09-98 Dave Farber
IP: Congress approves Next Generation Internet Research Act Dave Farber

Saturday, 10 October

IP: Japan Electronics Show Dave Farber
IP: Supremacists Link Web Site to Paper (fwd) Dave Farber

Sunday, 11 October

IP: PRIVACY Forum Digest V07 #17 Dave Farber
IP: IPers might want to see this -- my [ Dan Gilmor's .. ed] article on MS/DOJ Dave Farber

Monday, 12 October

IP: Vice President Gore on five challenges of Global Information Infrastructure Dave Farber
IP: WIPO bill passes Dave Farber

Tuesday, 13 October

IP: The Internet bares all Dave Farber
IP: you should be outraged that a few members [I know I am djf] Dave Farber
IP: WebTV Dave Farber
IP: Re: you should be outraged that a few members [I know I am djf] Dave Farber
IP: Internet governance: herding cats and sacred cows Dave Farber

Wednesday, 14 October

IP: Net Pron and "file fingerprinting" Dave Farber
IP: Tuned in, turned on. -- Philly (Philadelphia Inquirer) Tech Article Dave Farber
IP: Re:you should be outraged that a few members [I know I am djf] Dave Farber
IP: ATP Fall Meeting (Nov. 17 to 18) : High Risk, High Tech, High Payoff Dave Farber
IP: USC-IANA Press Release Dave Farber

Thursday, 15 October

IP: IAB statement on "private doorbell" encryption Dave Farber
IP: CDT: Congress To Pass Range of Internet Provisions in Budget Bill Dave Farber

Friday, 16 October

IP: ]domain name debacle Dave Farber
IP: DoT National ID card delayed; CDA II signed soon Dave Farber
IP: Wired News: Prisoners Await Y2K Day Dave Farber
IP: The best of both worlds Dave Farber
IP: New subnotebook/pda/not sure how to classify it Dave Farber
IP: effort continues to rescind funds for next generation Internet Dave Farber
IP: More on Jupiter "laptops" Dave Farber
IP: CRYPTO-GRAM, October 15, 1998 Dave Farber

Saturday, 17 October

IP: Remembrance/postel Dave Farber
IP: VB:NewsFlash: Internet Founder Postel Is Dead Dave Farber

Sunday, 18 October

IP: A small tribute to Jon .. I put it on my home page also Dave Farber
IP: A small tribute to Jon .. interview with him online. Dave Farber

Monday, 19 October

IP: a large section on Jon Postel Dave Farber
IP: for condolences email address Dave Farber

Tuesday, 20 October

IP: ISOC Release on Jon Postel Dave Farber
IP: Memorial Service for Jon Postel and cards etc. Dave Farber
IP: Letter from the Office of Ira ,Magaziner re ICANN Dave Farber
IP: elliot maxwell to take DOC Post on Electronic Commerce! Dave Farber

Wednesday, 21 October

IP: CPT notes from OECD E-Commerce Conference in Ottawa Dave Farber
IP: Political control technologies - Summary of Interim Study Dave Farber
IP: Privacy issue - Alexa/Netscape partnership Dave Farber
IP: More on Privacy issue - Alexa/Netscape partnership Dave Farber
IP: New US Censorship Law Causes Global Concern Dave Farber
IP: For IP Dcers ADVISORY: "Critical Infrastructure" Briefing, 10/26 Dave Farber
IP: Get your red hot newspaper Dave Farber

Thursday, 22 October

IP: ACLU, EPIC, EFF File CDA II Suit Dave Farber

Friday, 23 October

IP: Interesting article on email Dave Farber
IP: PA area IPers -- Distinguished Lecturer at Upenn, you are invited Dave Farber
IP: What's New for Oct 23, 1998 Dave Farber

Saturday, 24 October

IP: ITU interest in Internet Dave Farber
IP: Netscape's XML App -- or what is really What's Related Dave Farber

Sunday, 25 October

IP: New Swedish law makes most of the Internet illegal Dave Farber
IP: Liars, cheats and incompetents Dave Farber
IP: Self-promotion by office holders on government sponsored Web sites Dave Farber
IP: Re: : New Swedish law makes most of the Internet illegal Dave Farber
IP: Call to meeting -- PITAC 4 Nov 1998 Dave Farber

Monday, 26 October

IP: EFF Search Dave Farber
IP: A bit more on the previous IP on -- Engineering Design Project Evolves into "InSight" Dave Farber
IP: The Internet is not dead -- by Scott Bradner -- NWW Dave Farber
IP: ICANN Elects Board and Appoints Interim President Dave Farber

Tuesday, 27 October

IP: The first of the giants Dave Farber
IP: Re: The first of the giants Dave Farber

Wednesday, 28 October

IP: One company's real life Y2K problems Dave Farber
IP: Dyson on AP on Postel WITH THEIR PERMISSION Dave Farber
IP: from Reuters -- have the UK judges gone mad or is the reporting wrong or have they forgotten Nuremberg Dave Farber

Thursday, 29 October

IP: DIRECTORIES: Not what they seem Dave Farber
IP: Y2K over dinner -- and water companies: all wet? Dave Farber
IP: EPIC Alert 5.15 on EU Privacy and CDA II Dave Farber
IP: ICANN Public mtng Dave Farber
IP: First Nationwide HDTV Telecast Covers Shuttle Launch Dave Farber

Friday, 30 October

IP: New copyright laws regulate Web content Dave Farber

Saturday, 31 October

IP: Privacy International announces Big Brother awards Dave Farber