IDS mailing list archives

RE: Changes in IDS Companies?

From: Kevin Timm <ktimm () var-log com>
Date: 04 Nov 2002 07:02:47 -0600

In any ID implementation tuning of the device to reduce false alarms is
necessary. Although, I haven't worked with any of the IPS devices it
doesn't appear to be any different. These devices should have the
necessary flexibility to drop some user specified attacks while only
alerting on others. Without truly understanding the capabilities of each
product they are difficult to criticize. Recently many vendors are
adding more protocol awareness to the products which should appreciably
reduce false alarms .. although they still will happen. There are a
couple inherent benefits to IPS such as a reduction of the time delta in
any sort of automated response to block attackers as well as more
flexibility in how these responses are controlled. From reading
literature, I understand that some of these are integrating in
vulnerability scans, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does
worry me on how well assessments are integrated to determine the attack
could be successful and what is done with the information.  


On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 20:15, Kohlenberg, Toby wrote:
All opinions are my own and in no way reflect the views of my employer

So, I've seen lots of opinions thrown out about Gateway IDS tools
(I refuse to call them "Intrusion Prevention Systems", that's got to
be one of the worst marketing-driven names I've ever heard and the
arrogence it displays is appalling.) like Hogwash, BlackICE Sentry,
Tipping Point, etc... (forgive me if I haven't named your company,
it wasn't intentional). However, I have yet to see anyone provide the
simplest reason why GIDS have limited applicability and will still need
to be backed up with NIDS/HIDS (though Marty touched on it I think)-

Very simply, when you are talking about controlling traffic to the sort
of high value, production server that you are likely to want to put these
things in front of, you cannot afford for it to ever generate a false positive.

This means you need a standard IDS sitting behind it/next to it watching the
same traffic with a more flexible implementation that may generate false
positives from time to time but will also be more likely to catch well-hidden
or novel attacks. The beauty of a passive IDS is that it can make mistakes and
you don't get punished for it automatically.

So, I'd guess the first question I'd ask anyone trying to pitch one of these
things to me is, how have you validated that you have a false-positive rate
that approaches zero and how would I tune the box to ensure it will never cut
off legitimate traffic? 

As I think about it, this discussion really has a lot in common with the cross-over
rate issue in biometrics (the ratio of false-positives to false-negatives). Any
vendors care to provide a meaningful explanation of how they are handling this?
That means no statements like "We use a cutting edge combination of signatures,
protocol analysis, heuristics, anomaly detection and our very own Ingredient X!".


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Harris [mailto:mdh () unix si edu]
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 7:49 AM
To: Aaron Turner; focus-ids () securityfocus com
Subject: Re: Changes in IDS Companies?

Aaron Turner wrote:

On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 09:28:08AM -0500, Matt Harris wrote:

Aaron Turner wrote:

1) Futzing with router ACL's or firewall policies via 
your IDS is not granular.
They don't drop a specific connection (the attack) but 
rather all traffic on
a given port for a client/server.  This can have very 
ugly effects for
legit traffic.

Generally, this is done on a basis of simply blocking all inbound
traffic from the offender's IP address.  Hence entirely 
blocking the
effective attack as well as anything else they may try 
for the next X
number of seconds/minutes/whatever.

That's exactly what you shouldn't be doing.  Let's say you 
detect someone
attacking your network.  How do you know:

1) That the packets don't have a forged source IP?

Is there a reliable way to discover/deal with this?  I haven't really
seen/read much on this subject, though it sounds like, from 
what I have
read, it's so hard to do that very few people have the 
facilities to do
it at their disposal.  

2) The the user isn't behind some HTTP, socks, etc proxy?

Good.  I want to block misconfigured proxies.  Who wouldn't?  :-)

Either case and you've likely killed perfectly legit traffic while
stopping the attack, perhaps preventing paying customers from doing
business with you.  Things like port scans and DoS attacks 
very often
include packets with forged source IP's.

We have no paying customers - we're a research institution within the
federal government.  As far as the attacks possibly having forged
sources, again, what is a good way to deal with this 
potential?  I don't
see that an inline NIDS would really be able to do any more 
about these
than a non-inline NIDS.  Correct me if I'm wrong - I'm 
definitly no NIDS
guru.  :-)

2) It's too late.  The attack has already reached the 
target.  Consider
something like jill.c which exploits the IIS-ISAPI 
buffer overflow and
opens a connection back to the attacker on another port 
and you'll quickly
understand why this method of "protection" is more hype 
than reality.

If people are running insecure web servers, then is it really the
network infrastructure's job to protect them?

I've never met any admin of any OS (Solaris, Linux, Windows 
mostly) who
claimed that he/she had patched all of the servers within 
24 hours of a
patch on a regular basis.  Most wouldn't even claim 7 days 
or even a few
weeks.  Is this best-practices?  Not even close.  Is it the reality?
Absolutely, especially since most companies don't have 
their IT group
fully staffed due to the economy.

We're not an IT company.  :-)  I'm not saying that the 
solution that I'm
designing is right for everyone, only that it has done very well thus

When you consider most (all??) worms effecting IIS were exploiting
bugs which had patches released months in advance, it's 
clear to me at least
that companies are either unwilling or unable to keep up.  
Hence, it seems
reasonable that the market will come up with an alternative 
solution which
requires less effort on the admin.  (Assuming they don't 
all move their
servers to OpenBSD :-)

Pretty sad state of affairs, when people don't update their patches at
least once a month.  I do.  If other people don't, it seems to me that
they possibly or probably will get broken into.  Again, I'm 
glad that I
do.  :-)

I'm thinking more along
the lines of protecting against flood attacks, port 
scans, and the like
- from smurfs to simple icmp floods, etc.  In addition, 
blocking at the
border router level can be even more useful for this, 
since it stops it
before it gets to the IDS, Firewall, etc, and hence saves 
them some
processing time for legitamate traffic.  It's not a 
perfect solution to
all problems, but IMO the only real solution has to be at 
every level -
I only go so far with network based security, and rely on 
host based
security for the rest.  Exploits just shouldn't work 
against systems,
and if they do because some admin was lazy, then it 
shouldn't be my
IDS's job to protect their lazy selves.  ;-)

While I want to agree with you (there's something nice in 
the thought that
only lazy admins get their servers broken into), in reality 
it's not a
question of laziness.  Generally I see a few major issues:

1) Just not enough people to do all the work.  The economic 
downturn makes
this even worse than it was with many companies laying people off or
imposing hiring freezes.

I am inclined to agree here.  But at the same time, doesn't 
this simply
make it clear that, at least for the 99% most part, "only 
lazy people or
stupid companies" get broken into?  

2) Too many patches and severs to keep up with.  Just trying to keep
up with all the security patches that the vendors keep 
spewing is insane.

That's why most vendors nowadays have released automation 
systems (or at
least engineered their patches in such a way that lends itself to
automating it).  For example, once a month, I hit sunsolve, download a
cluster of patches that I want selectively, and since all of 
my servers
are running my standard build (and I won't build anything 
I push them out via sdist to every server, have them applied, 
and reboot
each server in turn based upon the schedule I've set out to everyone
who'll be kicked off their applications by me performing 
those reboots. 
Sun also provides their own automation methods, but in my case, I
created this system before theirs' was mature, and I like the way my
system works.  Doing it once a month has never been a bad thing, and I
keep aprised of emergency patches and such which I can apply 
as needed.  

3) Also, some very popular vendors *cough*MicroSoft*cough* like to
downplay the vulnerability to save face, so admins even if 
they are trying
to keep up tend to prioritize patches poorly.

This is a vendor problem, then, and people should stop using 
vendors who
do not meet their security needs.  :-)

4) Patching systems often cause downtime.  Hence, it often 
requires the
work to be done during non-peak hours (late at night).  IT people,
contrary to popular belief do occasionally have a 
life/family and can't be
doing patches 7 nights a week (assuming their windows would 
even allow that).

I usually push out my patches during the day, then cycle through and
reboot the critical systems between 5 and 6 pm (I work 9-6 anyways, so
it doesn't incroach outside of my schedule), and then reboot the
non-critical systems that no one will notice anyways 
throughout the next
day.  A reboot of a system shouldn't take more than an hour, 
and none of
mine take more than 15 minutes at most on the really big ones 
with tons
of disk arrays.  :-)

5) Plain ignorance and/or laziness.  Yes, some admins think 
it'll never
happen to them and that nobody would ever target them.  We all know
they're wrong, and get pissed off when it's now their 
servers attacking us.

And we should have firewalls to block out their servers.  If they're
internal, we should have our network folks turn off their 
switch ports. 

Security is everyone's concern.  If it isn't a particular person's
concern, then they'll be the ones to have to fix or rebuild their

Yep.  Of course as many people have been arguing, security should be
done in depth.  I'm not saying an NIPS can prevent all attacks
so you don't have to ever patch your systems again.  That's insane.

I tend to think of inline NIPS as a lifejacket.  If you're 
smart and pay
attention, you really shouldn't ever need it.  But if something bad
happens, it's a real good thing to have.  And of course, if you're
really stupid or just unlucky, even a lifejacket won't save you.

That's exactly how I think of my IDS systems - just a 
different physical
architecture is all.  

But that's a philosophical and business difference for a 
lot of people.
I'm in a place where business decisions don't affect 
things since we're
not running a business.  And as far as philosophy, see above.

Consider yourself lucky then!  Not many of us can say that 
business decisions
don't effct our work.

Non-technical [read: business] people have no place making decisions
that affect technical systems.  Technical people will provide a very
specific, and very locked down service to the business people 
(ie a web
server with ports 22, 80, and 443 open to it, and which will 
be patched
on our regular rotation).  They can use SCP to upload their content as
an unprivileged user.  Seems like a relatively secure configuration to
me, as long as it isn't running IIS, of course.  And why 
would they need
anything else?  The business types like to make up BS 
justifications for
insecure applications, and they really rely on the technical community
to smack them down when they ask/tell us to allow that sort 
of thing to
go on.  But I haven't worked in a commercial environment for close to
two years now, maybe it's changed.  I've found that BOFH style network
administration always works best and keeps the lusers 
happiest, though. 
Especially when they hear their friends complaining about viruses and
exploits and such and don't see any of that themselves.  ;-)

3) Many attacks are internal.  Most firewalls are at 
the border, hence
there's nothing the firewall can do, unless you 
(re)deploy more firewalls.

True enough.  Deploying internal firewalls and IDS's is 
definitly not a
bad thing, if not in fact even a good thing.  Most of the 
attacks I see
internal are unintentional user-mishaps, I've yet to see 
any genuine
malicious activity.  But nonetheless, we try to be prepared.
Statistically here, about 99% of attacks outside of 
individual subnets
(I have no way of monitoring what may go on within a 
seperate subnet,
though I think the help desk would be getting calls if 
something bad
happened that affected users adversely), come from the 
internet.  So,
that is where the effort here is in fact concentrated.

Expecting your help desk to notice/get calls is a big if.  
An obvious
example was the latest attack on the root name servers.  Definaltely
an attack, just most people didn't happen to notice.  The root
name servers are closely monitored by the admins of course, so they
knew even if the users didn't.

Anything that users notice, they will call in about - they love to
complain.  :-)
And anything that will affect my UNIX boxes, I will get an automated
cellphone page about - my systems love to complain, as well.  :-)

Consider the IIS-ISAPI exploit again... since IIS restarts 
after it crashes
unless someone was paying attention to the logs (or had an 
IDS) one would
generally not realize they had been broken into.

Sounds like an architectural flaw in microsoft's design.  Not really
something that someone concerned with providing a secure 
should be concerned about, if the end-users are running 
poorly designed

 * Matt Harris - Senior UNIX Systems Engineer
 * Smithsonian Institution, OCIO

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