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Re: Whitepaper "SESSION RIDING - A Widespread Vulnerability in Today's Web Applications"

From: Augusto Paes de Barros <apbarros () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 16:46:37 -0300

I believe that one of the conditions that need to exist to enable this
kind of attack is being overlooked. The paper says that the user has
to be logged on the application. Of course that this is possible and
even plausible in lots of situations, but let's remember that it
creates a time window for the attack (session timeout) and that the
users shall logoff from the application (when it offers the
possibility for user).

Perhaps the applications that are more likely to be exploited are
those that the user stays logged in and that periodically refreshes
theirselves, like webmails. I don't see them as a huge threat for
systems like Internet Bankings, for example.



On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 11:31:57 -0500, Jeff Williams
<jeff.williams () aspectsecurity com> wrote:

Thanks for a nice writeup of this issue. I do think this is worth including
in the OWASP top ten. I'd appreciate people's thoughts on whether this fits
into the "Broken Authentication and Session Management" category
(http://www.owasp.org/documentation/topten/a3.html) or if this should be
separate somehow.

As Mark noted, there are several imperfect approaches proposed for dealing
with this on the server-side. In particular, I think URL rewriting
introduces more problems than it solves here. I would like to see more
discussion of the approaches to this problem.

Would it be reasonable for browsers not to send cookies with requests
generated from HTML that came from another domain?  That would prevent
session riding attacks entirely, as all the cross-domain requests generated
by the attacker's HTML would not contain cookies.  I can't think offhand of
why an image request to somebody else's site should require a cookie, but
it's possible this would break some apps.


Jeff Williams
Aspect Security, Inc.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Burnett" <mb () xato net>
To: <webappsec () securityfocus com>
Cc: "'Thomas Schreiber'" <ts () securenet de>
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 12:56 PM
Subject: RE: Whitepaper "SESSION RIDING - A Widespread Vulnerability in
Today's Web Applications"

Yvan G.J. Boily wrote:
This name for the issue is misleading; this is a state management
issue combined with a session management issue.

Although there is an attempt to separate this type of an attack,
it is still a session hijacking attack

I actually like Thomas' name for this and I think we should stick with it
to distinguish it from session hijacking. The two issues are very similar
and might even be used together but I would differentiate the two as

Session hijacking is when an attacker gains access to the target's session
(usually via a cookie or some other token) and therefore controls the
target's session from his own browser. With this type of attack the
attacker has full interactive control of the session and can do things
such as take measures to keep the session alive.

Session riding is a form of a luring attack that specifically takes
advantage of a session kept open on the target. It would likely require
some action on the user's end or exploiting a browser vulnerability to
initiate the attack. As Thomas points out, session riding is the user
taking the action so therefore repudiation is difficult.

Noah Gray wrote:
1) Most sites use some form of Session Expiration. The whole of this
assumes the when the user is attacked, they are still logged in, and have
valid session cookie intact. In reality, this attack is only useful while
user is logged in, and shortly thereafter. Which, while being very
in intranet application, is unlikely in internet applications, except in
focused attacks.

This might not always be true. An attack might involve some kind of
session fixation and/or session keep-alive technique that keeps the
session alive in definitely. You need to be sure to implement techniques
such as absolute session expiration (regardless of idle time) and expiring
sessions after a specified number of uses.

In the paper, Thomas recommends several countermeasures but I wanted to
comment on those. The idea of attaching a secret token to every link does
raise the bar on this attack, but it does not completely compensate for
poor session management and will not stop all forms of this attack. For
example, suppose that the attack occurs on a web-based mail account where
the attacker sends a link in the e-mail body or perhaps even in the
subject or some other e-mail header. The application will attach the
secret session token to those links as well and therefore still make an
attack p ossible.

Others have suggested a unique secret that changes with every browser
action. This might work in cases where you can control continuity, but it
doesn't work when the user takes multiple simultaneous paths through a web
site by opening up multiple browser windows. A unique ID would work,
however, in conjunction with a confirmation page. Although the paper
states that confirmation pages are not effective, when combined with a
unique ID for that one action they can be effective. Of course, this will
still not completely eliminate the problem.

The problem is that like many application threats we currently have no
single solution to completely stop this type of attack. And unless users
suddenly get much smarter and hackers get much dumber, the potential for
this attack will always be there. However, the paper does mention that
certain countermeasures will raise the bar and that's the key here. While
no single solution will stop this type of attack, we can raise the bar
enough to make it difficult for any one attack to succeed. In effect, we
add so many conditions that mitigate the attack that it might require
unusual circumstances for an attack to actually succeed. This is an area
that obviously needs more research and more discussion.

Mark Burnett

Are Your Web Applications Really Secure?
Read Hacking the Code: ASP.NET Web Application Security

Augusto Paes de Barros, CISSP

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