Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

Re: Assembler/C References

From: cyberiad () www nmrc org
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 21:56:56 -0400 (EDT)

A small sampling of references for Win32 overflows follow,

"Win32 Buffer Overflows (Location, Exploitation and Prevention)"
  Dark Spyrit
  Phrack 55

and to give you some other ideas on writing Win32 shellcode,

"Non-Stack Based Exploitation of Buffer Overrun Vulnerabilities
 on Windows NT/2000/XP"
  David Litchfield

"Creating Arbitrary Shellcode In Unicode Expanded Strings"
  Chris Anley

Tools I use to support reverse engineering for the analysis include gdb,
Soft-Ice ( and  IDA-Pro (
Data Rescure offers a limited freeware version of IDA Pro; limited in
functionality and processor/executable format but works for Win32.


On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Jeremy Junginger wrote:

n00b question:

I'm diving into Assembler and C with the hopes of understanding
application level exploits a little more in depth.  In your opinion,
what are the most beneficial references/tutorials/threads/tools that
helped you get started on your journeys to buffer-overflow-nirvana?
I've read the Introduction to Buffer Overflow by Ghost Rider as well as
the Buffer overflow how-to by Mudge, and both were very valuable.  GDB
appears to be a very strong tool to assist with finding and exploiting
overflows.  Any additional references out there?  Coding is a bit new to like the human torch says..."Flame ON!!!"


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