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Re: windows scripting encoder

From: Stephanie Wehner <_ () R4K NET>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 17:57:52 +0100

On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 02:29:08PM +0200, Doru Petrescu wrote:
they used DES.

quoting from the program...

uhm.. hm, taking a peak into applied cryptography I would expect
DES to look a bit different and not just map an 8bit char to another
one, one by one. hm.

Perhaps we are talking about a different scripting encoder ? I was
refering to the one made by microsoft.

/* CFDECRYPT: Decrypt Cold Fusion templates encrypted with CFCRYPT
   Matt Chapman <matthewc () cse unsw edu au>

     Usage: cfdecrypt <encrypted.cfm >decrypted.cfm

   Requires a DES encryption library to compile.

if you need it and can't find it anywhere else, try downloading from

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