Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

Re: Accessing IE/Netscape incomming data

From: fygrave () SCORPIONS NET (CyberPsychotic)
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 01:23:49 +0600

~:> Its mich like the LD_PRELOAD facilities in Unix systems
~:Only not.  LD_PRELOAD allows a user to selectively proload certain
~:libraries, however, it does not require them to shuffle around system
~:libraries to make way for the ones they want to load in.

But this sounds like the `only' windows way to do such things. Ever
noticed that whenever you copy plain binary from one windows machine to
another, it starts complaining that you've got freaky library, without
which it could not run. Ever noticed that when you install M$ Office your
system *.dll sizes/dates are changed and it asks you to reboot before you
can run that stuff? THIS IS the microsoft way of doing things. *pheeew*

~:I can't tell you how many times I've been burned (in a support role, not as
~:a user ;) by Windows apps that decide that they have The One True Library
~:and blithely overwrite a DLL with an older version (or a newer one) that
~:subsequently breaks a bunch of other apps.
~:It's a retarded scheme.

Same goes to the whole OS itself with its megabytes sized kernel registry,
GUI built into kernel, and tons of `user-friendly' switches which let user
to plant troyan into his computer by a single mouse click.

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