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Re: why doesn't tcpdump drop privileges?

From: Ryan Mooney <ryan () pcslink com>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 07:44:51 -1000

Not really comments on the specific patch, or its applicability to the issue 
at hand.  

I'm a strong believer in defense in depth.  Does a trench outside the wall 
stop all the attackers?  No, but it does slow them down, and gives you a 
chance to regroup.  

Dropping privileges from root stops a wide range of script kiddy type 
attacks from causing much much more damage than they would otherwise.  If 
you really don't believe in this, tell us where you run your web server 
and justify why its running it as root :)  I agree that this does not stop 
a determined and resourceful hacker, it will however slow them down and 
possibly encourage them to seak a softer target.  The primary source of most 
attacks I've seen lately are script kiddies, and if tcpdump was running as 
an unprivileged user it would limit the spread of damage on many systems 
(they would at least have to try a little).

Just my $0.02.

The big difference here was between "user not on my system" and "user 
running arbitrary code on my system". What user the code is running as once 
you get to that point is relatively unimportant, and on most systems it 
won't take the user long to get root. Yes, if you have a well configured 
and patched system, and practice good sysadmin hygiene, the separation will 
be strong, but I'm talking about the majority of systems. And even if you 
keep the user from getting root, most intruders are quite happy to get a 
user shell -- they don't need root to set up an IRC bot or use your box as 
a springboard to attack someone else. That's why, *practically* speaking, 
the difference between root and joe user is not that big when it comes to 
intrusions: what we want is to keep the potential intruder *off* the 
system, period.

Ryan Mooney                                      ryan () pcslink com 
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