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SANS Institute - CWE/SANS TOP 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors

From: gem at (Gary McGraw)
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 10:20:29 -0500

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your thoughtful response.  I do think the top-25 project moved things in the right direction (in particular 
with the idea of mitigations), but I still have worries.  BTW, sorry for the delay responding, I had band practice last 
night for my "Hot Club Millwood" (Django/Grappeli covers) concert Friday.

BTW, I do hope everyone will read the original article <> in 
order to see the paragraphs explaining the sentences that Steve snipped here. Some particular responses to steve's 
gem> Executives don't care about technical bugs
s> No, but they do what PCI says they have to (i.e. listen to the OWASP Top
s> Ten).  They do care about the bottom line.  They hate buying software and
s> finding out how crappy it is afterward.

Unfortunately security by compliance seems to be more of a problem than it is a justification for top ten lists.  In my 
view, PCI does not lead to secure software.

gem> Too much focus on bugs.
s> The Top 25 has 4 or 5 items that are clearly design-related

I acknowledge movement in the right direct here.  Question for we need a "top ten flaws" list?

gem> Using bug parade lists for training leads to awareness but does not educate.
s> Yep - which is why we want universities to get cracking, and if the Top 25
s> helps to prod them on, then so be it.

Good lord I hope that the CS curriculum does not embrace the bug parade.  I would rather have a crop of kids who know 
how C *actually works*, what a stack is, and how computers function!  Education prepares people for does 
not supercede it.  Sadly, I have little faith that software security will work its way into the university curriculum 
in a meaningful way (and will be ecstatically psyched to be completely wrong).

gem> Top ten lists mix levels.
s> Regarding Seven Pernicious Kingdoms - how does the Top 25 map to them?

Good question.  You tell me!  Hopefully it's better than the OWASP 10!  Once again, I think we need to ponder the 
difference between a taxonomy and a top-N list.

gem> Automated tools can find bugs---let them.
s> Yes, and a lesson of the Top 25 (that we all already know) is that when
s> people start to apply it, they'll see how a tool won't be a silver bullet.

A tool is so much superior to a list that I simply have say..huh?!

gem> When it comes to testing, security requirements are more important than vulnerability lists.
s> New York State has put up draft text that mentions the Top 25 as
s> part of a condition for acquisition.

In my view this is not a helpful development.

gem> Ten is not enough.
s> I'm of the mindset that the Top 25 is, short-term, an awareness tool for
s> developers and for customers.

Agreed.  I like it for that reason.

s>In the longer term, maybe it will be a little blip on the road to actionable software assurance.

This is my concern.

s> The Top 25 is a means to an end, and not the end itself.

Also agreed.



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