Secure Coding mailing list archives

quick question - SXSW

From: stephencraig.evans at (Stephen Craig Evans)
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 21:50:49 +0800

Hi Andrew,

I was reminded of what you said in your post when I read the beginning of
this prezo description from HITB 2007:
"Using a lethal combination of various client side attacks we'll smash the
same origin policy, punch our way through your firewall, and dropkick an
Oracle database on your internal network (and we're NOT talking about SQL

All good points you make that I'll keep in mind for my next attempt in SE


From: Andrew van der Stock <vanderaj at>
Date: Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 6:02 AM
Subject: Re: [SC-L] quick question - SXSW
To: "Arian J. Evans" <arian.evans at>
Cc: Secure Coding Mailing List <SC-L at>

Hi all,

 I have been specifically targeting developer conferences these last
 twelve months. I've had rejections from the likes of OSCON, and in
 fact, I was rejected from BlackHat, too. I have worked out the pattern
 to these conferences.

 You gotta SEX IT UP.

 Instead of submitting talks like "Safe Ajax Coding Techniques" or
 "Securely using mainframe transactions in your web app", submit talks
 that are titled:

 "How we pillage your app, identity rape your users, steal all your
 money, and retire in the Caribbean with the loot"

 Then when you get there, start with a demo or three to end all demos.
 Totally scare them witless. Followed by a picture of a girly drink
 with an umbrella in it with a beach in the background, and take the
 girly drink to the talk, too. Once you've put the fear of god (or at
 least malicious attackers) into them, then you can:

 * Do the talk you had in mind all along ("Securely using
 mainframe ..."), and they'll learn what they needed to learn by
 attending your talk.

 This is not to say you should be a boring presenter, but we shouldn't
 shy away from saying to developers that they MUST do this stuff, or
 they'll be pwned.

 Just before the folks fill in their presenter feedback forms, do an
 ASTONISHING demo. Something they will remember when they're filling in
 the feedback. When you're at the top of the feedback pile, you'll get
 invited back.

 The program committees for these trendy conferences - with some very
 notable exceptions - are for the most part just as hostile /
 apathetic / know little about security as the attendees. Sometimes
 worse - many are truly hostile to security as it gets in the way of
 their "fast and crappy beats correct every time" mindset. So make your
 submission interesting to the program committee, so much so that they
 want to come see it, too. Once they start accepting the talks, sooner
 or later, after 10 years or so, we'll be able to submit the useful
 talks without any such cover. See the design pattern folks for proof.

 Arian - ARGH! Tell Anurag to check out ESAPI - it has already hard
 core white list encoding, direct object reference maps, easy user
 object manipulation (logout that actually does the right thing with
 one call, etc), safe system(), encrypted property files, integrity
 protection and encryption for hidden fields and cookies, and so on and
 on and on.

 canonicalize()           Simplifies percent-encoded and entity-encoded
 characters to their simplest form so that they can be properly
 decodeFromBase64()       Decode data encoded with BASE-64 encoding.
 decodeFromURL()          Decode from URL.
 encodeForBase64()        Encode for base64.
 encodeForDN()            Encode data for use in an LDAP distinguished
 encodeForHTML()          Encode data for use in HTML content.
 encodeForHTMLAttribute() Encode data for use in HTML attributes.
 encodeForJavascript()    Encode for javascript.
 encodeForLDAP()          Encode data for use in LDAP queries.
 encodeForSQL()           This method is not recommended.
 encodeForURL()           Encode for use in a URL.
 encodeForVBScript()      Encode data for use in visual basic script.
 encodeForXML()           Encode data for use in an XML element.
 encodeForXMLAttribute()  Encode data for use in an XML attribute.
 encodeForXPath()         This implementation encodes almost everything
 and may overencode.
 normalize()              Normalizes special characters down to ASCII
 using the Normalizer built into Java.

 It's already done! However, there's more to do - let's work together
 on those gaps (client AJAX ESAPI) instead of re-inventing the wheel.


 On Mar 13, 2008, at 4:11 AM, Arian J. Evans wrote:
 > and Anurag will be releasing some APIs
 > for java developers to actually do things like output encoding,
 > where Java/J2EE is about 4 years behind the rest of the world.

 Andrew van der Stock
 Lead Author, OWASP Guide and OWASP Top 10

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