Secure Coding mailing list archives

GCC and pointer overflows []

From: mouse at Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA (der Mouse)
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 10:37:08 -0400 (EDT)

The bug, which has been documented in a CERT advisory, affects C code
in which, under some circumstances, buffer bounds checking can be
optimized out to produce binaries that are susceptible to buffer
overflows.  [...]

Of course, many/most SC-Lers will no doubt jump on this as another
example of why C is such a dangerous language to write (secure) code
in, and that's fine.

Actually, it isn't.  It's a dangerous language to write sloppy, buggy
code in.  Go read the advisory - it's only severely broken tests that
are affected.  Such code has always been broken; the recent change just
changes the behaviour produced by such broken code, and I have trouble
getting worked up about it.

But, I see the issue at least a little differently: a compiler making
decisions for the programmer and producing executable code that does
not accurately conform to what the programmer coded.

It accurately conforms to what the programmer coded, just not to what
the programmer intended to code.  The "problem" affects only code that
depends on certain pointer computations whose behaviour has never been
promised by C.

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