Secure Coding mailing list archives

GCC and pointer overflows []

From: ken at (Kenneth Van Wyk)
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 09:13:44 -0400

FYI, here's an interesting article (and follow-on discussions) about a  
recent bug in the GCC compiler collection.

The bug, which has been documented in a CERT advisory, affects C code  
in which, under some circumstances, buffer bounds checking can be  
optimized out to produce binaries that are susceptible to buffer  
overflows.  The article includes a couple examples that really help  
illustrate the issue -- very interesting reading, IMHO.

Of course, many/most SC-Lers will no doubt jump on this as another  
example of why C is such a dangerous language to write (secure) code  
in, and that's fine.  But, I see the issue at least a little  
differently: a compiler making decisions for the programmer and  
producing executable code that does not accurately conform to what the  
programmer coded.  We've all heard of security-related optimizing  
issues for years, right?  Well, here's a prime example of one in action.



Kenneth R. van Wyk
KRvW Associates, LLC

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