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Building Security In vs Auditing

From: ljknews at (ljknews)
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2007 13:17:16 -0500

At 9:46 AM -0500 1/2/07, McGovern, James F (HTSC, IT) wrote:

I read a recent press release in which a security vendor (names removed
to both protect the innocent along with the fact that it doesn't matter
for this discussion ) partnered with a prominent outsourcing firm. The
press release was carefully worded but if you read into what wasn't said,
it was in my opinion encouraging something that folks here tend to fight
against. The outsourcing firm would use this tool in an auditing capacity
for whatever client asked for another service but it would not become
part of the general software development lifecycle for all projects. 

- It didn't mention any notion of all developers within the outsourcing
firm having tools on their desktop to audit as they develop

From the information supplied, it is not clear that the tool is something
appropriate for the development environment.  I develop a tool that could
be used in a (certain) development environment, but that would only tell
how the development environment was secured, having no effect on the degree
to which the outsourced code was secure.

- It didn't mention any notion of training all developers within the
outsourcing firm on secure coding practices

From the information supplied, it is not clear that the security vendor
is one that would be involved in training anyone.  Limitations on a
joint press release (one that names another company) are subject to
severe negotiations.  Even if the security firm _was_ going to do what
you suggest, I can see a PR flack at the outsourcing firm resisting any
public suggestion that any of their staff needed further training on any
aspect of data processing.
Larry Kilgallen

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