Secure Coding mailing list archives

Code Analysis Tool Bakeoff

From: jsteven at (John Steven)
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 10:08:34 -0500

I think Gunnar hit a lot of the important points. Bake offs do  
provide interesting data. I have a few slide decks which I've created  
to help companies with this problem, and would be happy to provide  
them to anyone willing to email me side-channel. Of the items Gunnar  
listed, I find that baking off tools helps organizations understand  
where they're going to have to apply horsepower and money.

For instance, companies that purchase Coverity's Prevent seem to have  
little trouble getting penetration into their dev. teams, even beyond  
initial pilot.  Model tuning provides breeze-easy ability to keep  
'mostly effective' rules in play and still reduce false positives.  
However, with that ease of adoption and developer-driven results  
interpretation, orgs. buy some inflexibility in terms of later  
extensibility. Java support, now only in beta, lacks sorely and the  
mechanisms by which one writes custom checkers poses a stiff learning  
curve. Whereas, when one adopts Fortify's sourceAnalyzer, developer  
penetration will be _the_ problem unless the piloting team bakes a  
lot of rule tuning into the product's configuration and results  
pruning into the usable model prior to role out. However, later  
customization seems easiest of any of the tools I'm familiar with.  
Language and rules coverage seems, at the macro-level, consistently  
the most robust.

In contrast, it takes real experience to illuminate each tool's  
difference in the accuracy department. Only a bakeoff that contains  
_your_ organization's code can help cut through the fog of what each  
vendor's account manager will promise. The reason seems to be that  
the way a lot of these tools behave relative to each other  
(especially Prexis, K7, and Source Analyzer) depends greatly on  
minute details of how they implemented rules. However, at the end of  
the day, their technologies remain shockingly similar (at least as  
compared to products from Coverity, Secure Software, or Microsoft's  
internal Prefix).

For instance, in one bake off, we found that (with particular open  
source C code) Fortify's tool found more unique instances of  
overflows on stack-based, locally declared buffers, with offending  
locally declared length-specifiers. However, Klocwork's tool was  
profoundly more accurate in cases in which the overflow had similar  
properties but represented an 'off by one' error within a buffer  
declared as a fixed length array.

Discussing tradeoffs in tool implementation at this level leads  
bakers down a bevy of rabbit holes. Looking at them to the extent  
Cigital does, for deep understanding of our clients' code and how  
_exactly_ the tool is helping/hurting us isn't _your_ goal. But, by  
collecting data on 7 figures of your own code base, you can start to  
see what trends in your programmers' coding practices play to which  
tools. This, can in fact, help you make a better tool choice.

John Steven
Technical Director; Principal, Software Security Group
Direct: (703) 404-5726 Cell: (703) 727-4034
Key fingerprint = 4772 F7F3 1019 4668 62AD  94B0 AE7F
Software Confidence. Achieved.

On Jan 6, 2007, at 11:27 AM, Gunnar Peterson wrote:

1. I haven't gotten a sense that a bakeoff matters. For example,  
if I wanted
to write a simple JSP application, it really doesn't matter if I  
use Tomcat,
Jetty, Resin or BEA from a functionality perspective while they  
may each have
stuff that others don't, at the end of the day they are all good  
enough. So is
there really that much difference in comparing say Fortify to  
OunceLabs or
whatever other tools in this space exist vs simply choosing which  
ever one
wants to cut me the best deal (e.g. site license for $99 a year :-) ?

I recommend that companies do a bakeoff to determine

1. ease of integration with dev process - everyone's dev/build  
process is
slightly different

2. signal to noise ratio - is the tool finding high priority/high  

3.  remediation guidance - finding is great, fixing is better, how
actionable and relevant is the remediation guidance?

4. extensibility - say you have a particular interface, like mq  
series for
example, which has homegrown authN and authZ foo that you want to  
use the
static analysis to determine if it is used correctly. How easy is it
build/check/enfore these rules?

5. roles - how easy is it to separate out roles/reports/ 
functionaility like
developer, ant jockey, and auditor?

6. software architecture span - your high risk/high priority apps are
probably multi-tier w/ lots of integration points, how much  
visibility to
how many integration points and tiers does the static analysis tool  
you to see? How easy is it to correlate across tiers and interfaces?

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